Heartbeat signal
Hi all,
I have a few sensors such as my lightning sensor that may not transmit actual sensor data for a long time. In case the sensor were to lock up, or have some other issue, I'd like my HA system to notify me. For the lightning sensor, I've added a heartbeat signal that sends a V_TRIPPED value once an hour and it alternates sending a 1 and a 0 and I've programmed my HA system to alert me if that value has not changed for a few hours. I'm just wondering if there's a more elegant way or what others have done. Ideas?
I'm just sending the last state of the port and light, in my garage port opener, once every 60 minutes. In domoticz I can see when a sensor is seen the last time.. And this way I can check that it's alive.
I admit, I have to look at it manually, no automation in warnings etc.
I think the heartbeat is a reasonable way to do it. I'm designing my system to use an MQTT broker and I'm going to write a small client that listens to all the sensor messages as they come in. If no message is seen from a sensor in some elapsed time, the client will send out a "sensor down" message which can then be acted on.
How about a Sensor Sensor?
From the Sensor Sensor send a message to each node that you need to check communication and wait for a bounceback.
You could use a motion sensor to indicate probem, and show the trouble node in a V_VAR ...
something to try
On my batterysensors i send batterlevel every 60min (4th sleep cycle) as a heartbeat.
Probably a stupid question, but how do I code it in a node without sleep? It doesnt have a clock@tbowmo You probably knows, but using lua script you can let domoticz send you a notification (i really recommend notifymyandroid).
Something like: (untested).-- script_time_garageport.lua -- Sends a warning if the garagedoor has been unseen more than 60 minutes. t1 = os.time() s = otherdevices_lastupdate['Garageport'] -- returns a date time like 2013-07-11 17:23:12 year = string.sub(s, 1, 4) month = string.sub(s, 6, 7) day = string.sub(s, 9, 10) hour = string.sub(s, 12, 13) minutes = string.sub(s, 15, 16) seconds = string.sub(s, 18, 19) commandArray = {} t2 = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minutes, sec=seconds} difference = (os.difftime (t1, t2)) if (difference > 3600 and difference < 3900) then commandArray['SendNotification']='Garage door alert#The garage door has been stolen??' end return commandArray
Currently domoticz sends a private tweet to me, if it has any notifications, I chose twitter, as I don't have to pay for any license keys to use that.
I just haven't come around to enable notifications, if sensors doesn't check in at a regular interval.If you want to ping your controller in a node that never sleeps, you could always use millis():
unsigned long lastHeartbeat = 0; #define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL 3600000 void loop() { if (millis() - lastHeartbeat > HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) { ... PING .... lastHeartbeat = millis(); } }
This will send a ping every 3600 seconds (once a hour). The first heartbeat will be 1 hour after startup.
@tbowmo @TD22057 @BulldogLowell @sundberg84
Thanks for the replies everyone. The HS3 MySensors plugin will only update the "last change time/date" if the value sent by the sensor actually changes, so I need to make sure what I send is different than before which is why I alternate 0's and 1's. I would like a common solution for both mains and battery powered devices, and therefore polling sensors won't work for sleeping battery powered sensors. Using the V_TRIPPED sensor type is a bit of a kludge, but seems to be working ok. Maybe a V_HEARTBEAT sensor type should be added to the protocol. @hek, any thoughts?
Hmm. if this is something the community would find useful we could add it as an INTERNAL variable type (which reports it on the node-device). And API something like:
<optional destination node (defaults to gateway/controlle)r>)
Sends an incremental integer payload.
@hek That sounds great to me!
I skipped the destination argument...
@hek Thanks!