cc1101 rf433mhz with mysensors
Hello all,
First of all great project, I have been using mysensors for a year now and collected quite a nice rig.. So may thanks to this project.
I have a question, recently I purchased a cc1101 transceiver to use with mysensors. However I cannot seem to make it work as a node (to use with RCswitch library). I would like to know if there is someone already tried this or is using this. I don't want to use it as a gateway, just as a node to collect data from my cheap 433mhz door/window contacts. I hope someone can push me into the right direction.
I don't think the RCSwitch library is compatible with the CC1101. It uses the dirt cheap RF TX/RX modules that require just 1 pin each, while the CC1101 uses SPI. That also implies you will need to use SoftSPI on your sensor node.
Maybe you van use this
I have buildthis one also and use it in fhem (