
  • Their are many place where documentation is not adequate for a beginner...

    Take this from the 1.5 API...

    Sending data
    You can send data to the controller or some other sensor by using the send(msg) method.
    bool send(MyMessage &msg, bool ack);
    msg - The message you want to send. See MyMessage for details.
    ack - Set this to true if you want destination node to send ack back to this node. Default is not to request any ack.

    But when you look at the code, (in this case: WaterMeterPulseSensor)
    you see a message like this:

    send(flowMsg.set(flow, 2)); // Send flow value to gw

    ie: no information on the 'flowMsg.set' or 'xxx.set' / 'xxx.get' method in the API... one need to dig into the code to find out how its used

    Radios, in demo's focus is on using NRF24, RFM69 radio user need to dig to find information, setting band, frequency, RFM69HW, pins ect...

    Inclusion mode... No reference in API, you only know what this is for if your a Vera user...

    their are many other un document reference in the demo code... over time I'm sure it will get flushed out, but as your doing the doc for 2.0, it maybe time to give the documentation an update in the detail.

    my two bits...

  • Mod

    This could be a great candidate for someone who wants to win the Best MySensors project contribution in the 2016 contest.

  • Hi! I agree with you!

    Therefore, I have been working in a documentation that tries to be "easier" for understanding (I had some issues to read MySensors' docs too).
    So, if you want to take a look and tell what you think, it would be really nice.

    PS: There is sometime since my last update, I am trying to find time to finish it.

  • Contest Winner

    In development branch, doxygen is actively being used to document various aspects of the library. Signing is a good example. You can browse the documentation on the ci server:

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