RGB colorpicker

  • I've recently built an RGB/W controller (here), and I've been developing a sketch using V_RGB to select colours from a colourspace (as opposed to the 3 x V_DIMMER approach).

    I'm using Domoticz, but I'm not very happy with the Domoticz colour picker - it only appears to support colours with 100% saturation, and the RGB values shown don't seem to equate to the values received in the sketch.

    I went looking for a different colour picker, and I came across this. As stated, 'the application consists of Java application that serves as the colorpicker interface and an Arduino Sketch that receives RGB colors and applies them to the PWM pins.'

    I'm currently running it on a Mac, and I needed to add the parameter '-d32' to the java command in ledcolorpicker.sh (as well as specifying my USB serial port) as the librxtxSerial.jnilib library is 32-bit, not 64-bit. Also, it outputs lots of messages to the terminal / console (I suspect these are debug messages, and can be turned off).

    So it's rather old and clunky, but it works...

    Does anyone know of an alternative colour picker solution, which will interface with an Arduino?

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