I want to build this project. But I don't need to power it by batteries. Has anyone the circuit diagram (in FrizIng?)
I have also the problem, that I can't see, on the breadboard picture of this project where the red wire from the battery ends after the connection to the Arduino?
Does it go to the FET and the R7?
Can anyone help me?
You would use PID if you have a temperature feedback from the rooms, but in your case you are not interested so it doesn't matter much. Sure turning off pump when not needed is a good thing. I have colleague that also bought a few netatmo devices to control floor heating of some zones of his house and he is very happy.
A couple of things, you put the device to sleep so while it's asleep, it won't respond to the commands to change the relays. Since you are combining relays and sensors, you need to keep the unit awake and find a different way to send the sensor data occasionally. For the relay status, read the comments in the sketch. You are saving the relay state and then reading that on startup. You can eliminate all of that code and just set the relay to off in the setup section.
@kimot I am not handling that situation. I'm taking for granted ssr will do his job. Maybe there's some ssr safety topic I'm unaware? Suggestions for a v3.0 are welcome.
About the temperature measuring... I use two sensors. The one in the board protects electronics from temperatures beyond design (60°C). It's near the ssr because the ssr's derating curve is the most limiting condition.
The control sensor is placed in the bottom of the heater. It connects to the board through a 3 pin header connector.