Load a variable of pimatic from a mysensor node
I built a Mysensor Node with Temp, PIR and Relays in it.
The Sensor Nodes detect motion with the PIR and send this to the “server”. Within Pimatic I have rules to send back “Turn on the Relay” and the relay on the sensor node turns on.I would like to add an “offline mode” for the sensor, so if the server isn’t reachable the sensor realizes this and automatically switchs on the relais in his own node.
- I would like to store a bool information in a variable on the Pimatic-server like “Alarmmode”. How can I load this variable from a node?
I have seen receiveTime as function. I need something like "receive variable"
How can I do this?
As I have multiples of those combined nodes I would like to have sensor-independent variable, kind of a global variable in pimatic.
Thanks for your help,
P.S. I also asked this in the pimatic forum, because I think it has to do with both worlds...
- I would like to store a bool information in a variable on the Pimatic-server like “Alarmmode”. How can I load this variable from a node?