How does Vera display complex nodes

  • Hero Member

    Suppose I have a Node with:

    • Node ID = 7
    • Child nodes 3, 11, and 21:
    • Child node 3 sends a presentation S_TEMP followed by a set V_TEMP
    • Child node 11 sends a presentation S_POWER followed by a set V_WATT, V_KWH and V_VOLTAGE
    • Child node 21 sends a set V_TEMP, V_HUM, V_PRESSURE, V_RAIN, V_DIRECTION and V_UV

    How is that displayed in Vera?

  • @daulagari In UI7 (Vera Edge) you get one device for the node and one device for each Child, named Adruion7:3, Adruion7:11... But then ofcourse you can cange name of them in Vera.

    There is some minor cosmetic stuff with the presentation of the node in UI7.

  • Hero Member

    @olaeke : Thanks!

    So in total four devices meaning, the Node itself and a device for every (Child)-Sensor. Makes sense.

    Just wondering what other Controllers are doing here. I think at least some completely ignore the child node numbering and either put all values without context or all values under the Node.

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