Hi @tamorgen - sorry for the reply to your old post (ignore if you've solve this already - or perhaps it's valuable still).
Have you looked at the Reactor Plugin for Vera? (it's on Github too - by Patrick Rigney aka Rigpapa from the Vera Forums). I believe it runs on OpenLUUP as well if you were external to Vera.
There are example use case videos on Youtube for it.
It is a logic engine for LUUP - (if/then/else/and/or/not/timers). You can react to any variable or device state. (ie if door not locked, lock it, then unlock it). You can chain actions or conditions together as well.
This was probably done in the past with PLEG, but I was never fond of PLEG so I wrote some conditional stuff directly in LUA, but since Reactor came along - it's so powerful, lightweight and a no brainer to use.
I'm probably going to write some battery monitoring and door state monitoring with MySensors with it shortly.
@urbanus in your wiring, did you flip around the leds? (i.e. did you connect the longer pin to the gpio pins instead of to vcc?
With your wiring, are the leds on when there is no traffic?
My guess is that you have reversed the connections. Which is fine, but by default the leds will be on.
I realize this is an old thread, but I'm hoping someone can help with the 'tweaks' mentioned above. I followed @blacey 's advise and contacted Vera support. So far they have basically told me to pound sand, stating they don't support third party plug-ins. They did ask for more info about the Motieno VID/PID combo that needs to be recognized though. I responded saying I am only asking for help getting my Vera Edge to recognize a USB device plugged into it and referred them to this thread. They have not responded for several days. Hopefully they will get back to me, but it isn't an encouraging start. They've been very good to me on other issues in the past. Any info on what needs to be changed to get Vera to recognize the Motieno device would be very helpful.
As background, I've been running an Arduino Nano-based gateway for several years but my Vera periodically loses the serial port configurations. I've read that is likely due to the nano being a clone so I decided to upgrade to sensebender to tidy things up and hopefully improve reliability. I know I could add an ethernet board and be done with it, but I'd prefer to connect the gateway via serial port if I can get it to work.