Rule for dimmer and LED strip
I have two nodes:
- Dimmer (encoder with switch)
- RGB LED strip
Please tell me how to make a rule for controlling two parameters (on / off, brightness) of an RGB LED strip using a dimmer unit.
Perhaps someone already uses this rule in OpenHAB?
Are you looking for something similar to the following:rule "Rule Dimmer to Color Item Brightness" // TestDimmer121 is the item name of the dimmer value // Mock_RGB_Color_x is the Item name of the color strip // Openhab sends color data as Hue, Saturation, Brightness Data when Item TestDimmer121 changed then logInfo("rules","Dimmer to Color conversion Received " +TestDimmer121.state ) var PercentType BrightnessfromDimmer= TestDimmer121.state var HSBType currentState = Mock_RGB_Color_x.state as HSBType var DecimalType CurrentHue = currentState.hue var PercentType CurrentSaturation = currentState.saturation var PercentType CurrentBrightness = currentState.brightness logInfo("rules","HSBtype " + currentState) Mock_RGB_Color_x.sendCommand(new HSBType(CurrentHue,CurrentSaturation,BrightnessfromDimmer)) logInfo("rules","HSBtype NEW " +Mock_RGB_Color_x.state.toString) end
You did not post your item names, so you need to change to suit.
I do not have a HSB lamp node to physicaly test on, so i have only been checking the openhab logs.