OpenHAB 2.3 and MQTT
Hi All,
I am very new to openHAB and I have a lot of problems installing/configuring openHAB 2.3 so that mysensors are working. Does anyone have a guidline how to install this?
It seems that MQTT connect well but I got an error which I do not understand. I am already busy with it for days but I do not get it working. Unfortunatly I am not able to find openHAB 2.2 img so that I can install this on my PI.
Anyone willing to help me?
2018-12-07 20:23:01.046 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'mysensors:bridge-mqtt:gateway' changed from INITIALIZING to UNINITIALIZED (HANDLER_INITIALIZING_ERROR): org/eclipse/smarthome/io/transport/mqtt/MqttActionCallback ==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <== 2018-12-07 20:23:01.025 [ERROR] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Exception occurred while initializing handler of thing 'mysensors:bridge-mqtt:gateway': org/eclipse/smarthome/io/transport/mqtt/MqttActionCallback java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/smarthome/io/transport/mqtt/MqttActionCallback```
@martim I'm sorry myFriend. I've tried OpenHaB a couple of years ago. But in those days I couldn't get it to work. To complicated for me. That's why I've switched to Domoticz. That does what I need. You could give that - or another controller - a try. OpenHAB is overly complicated if you ask me.
I'm using mysensors with openhab and mqtt and works great.
Check your config files!
Let's take a look at your mqtt.cfg.
Which broker are you using? I'm on mosquitto.
Could you check here? I am really getting frustrated by the OpenHAB
@martim I would recommend you to use plain mqtt.
Don't use the binding or the bridge stuff. Once you have the mysensors-mqtt, use plain mqtt items on your openhab config and it will work great.
I already have several sensors this way.
Perhaps after openhab 2.4 I will play a little with the binding and then I could be more useful to you.
Just for you to know, I just updated to 2.4 and can confirm that with the new mqtt binding I can connect with mysensors.
You have to create the MQTT Broker think via the web ui and then each thing, finally you have to modify your items, like this:
//Contact GaragePorton "Portón Garage [%s]" <garagedoor> { mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/11/3/1/0/16:state:default]" } //Contact GaragePuerta "Puerta Garage [%s]" <door> { mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/11/4/1/0/16:state:default]" } Contact GaragePorton "Portón Garage [%s]" <garagedoor> { channel="mqtt:topic:efe295fe:porton_garage" } Contact GaragePuerta "Puerta Garage [%s]" <door> { channel="mqtt:topic:efe295fe:puerta_garage" }
Use this tutorial for OH 2.3 and mqtt
Was working for me