Hi to everyone! Im very (I mean VERY) new at this, and Im far to be a programer or an specialist, Im just an enthusiastic end user willing to do all of you experts do!
I have the same problem as Pete had, I have some dooya motors in my blinds and I want to integrate them to my smarthome system. This blinds are controlled by a remote control with 3 buttons, up – down – stop, and they are suppose to be RF, they have awesome range btw (see pics).
First I tried the RC-Switch to sniff the RF code, but the program return nothing, just blank, that’s why I came to this, wich I would like to thank Pete for giving a light at the end of the tunel! (which Im still in).
I did all the process to sniff the signal of the remotes, and this is what I got and traduced to binary:
Not the same wave structure (squared) but I hope it has nothing to do.
Now Im in the process of testing this code just with the Arduino, but it doesn’t work! I followed the code Pete uploaded and change the highlighted parts with my code, please let me know if I did ok, this are what I changed:
This first part, I used the first 28 bits of my signal, which is the same in the 3 comands:
Here, I used the last 8 bits for each comand:
Any clues what I might be doing wrong?
Just in case, Im using an Arduino UNO, and I connected it this way:
Thanks in advance!