Since 2 weeks, my outdoor sensor, a Sensebender Micro with a NRF24L01+, stopped reporting values to Domoticz at night, then resumed during the day.
Here the temperature goes around 0C with 100% RH.
After trying to add a capacitor (10uF, then changed to a 100uF), I reflashed the Sensebender, installed the latest gateway on my Raspi gateway, still no luck.
Then, running the gateway with the debug flag, I noticed that the sensor reported humidity > 100%. And Domoticz doesn't store this value. (Why?)
So if your sensor doesn't report values to your controller, check that the values are within a valid range.
For now, I've put some Kapton tape on the Sensebender Micro, so the side in contact with the box is insulated. We'll see how it works.
I've read all the posts on the forum, there aren't a lot of explanation on how design an outdoor enclosure, so I'll appreciate any hints!
I'll try nail polish, as seen on this video: How to Waterproof Electronics by GreatScott!
Hope this post will save you some time diagnosing a non-responding sensor.