So after getting my 3D printer I was thinking of all the MySensors projects that I could build with it. One of the things that I had looked at previously was setting up a weather station for my setup. The problem was that I would have had to buy some commercial weather station hardware and try to convert it to work with MySensors. The hardware alone for these was a bit expensive, not to mention the work it would take to convert it.
Having a 3D printer now has opened new doors for this project. I started working on designs for the parts to this and have some good progress. I still need to work out some of the electronics, but that will come in time as I get parts built.
One of the first things was designing a tipping bucket rain gauge which I have some posts on in a topic under hardware in the forum. I still need to print some parts for this. Started printing some things and ran out of white filament. Just got my new roll in the other day, so I will most likely start these in the next couple days.
No weather station is complete without wind speed and wind direction sensors, so that's what I decided to embark on next. Since I had to wait for my new roll of filament, I decided to work on some of the design. Here is the proposed design that I came up with:

This design is loosely based off of some setups that I saw when doing some google image searches. I started with the anemometer cups. I found an OpenSCAD design for these on thingiverse and used that as my starting point. I designed all of the other parts around this. So the only part of this that I can say is not truly my design is that. There are 12 parts total that I printed for this:
- 3 anemometer cups with arms
- Central cylinder that the cups mount to
- Bottom case with square mounting peg that holds the anemometer sensor
- wind speed rotor that holds the magnet for the sensor
- Top case that holds the wind direction vane
- The wind direction cap
- 2 wind vane arms to hold the tail fin and the nose cone
- The tail fin
- The nose cone
One last part that I have not designed yet which will be pretty simple is the internal wind direction rotor that will hold the magnet for the direction sensor.
Here are some pics of the finished parts:
Wind direction vane inside showing 1 inch roller bearing

Anemometer inside showing the mounted rotor.

The full assembly

For the screw posts to hold the cap and base together, I took some stainless circuit board mounting posts similar to the ones below that I had in my parts bin and use my soldering iron to melt them into the holes. My guess is that the melted plastic took a good hold of the threaded end, so I doubt they are coming out.

All in all, the project is coming together nicely. Once I get a few more pieces together, I will post all of this on my thingiverse page and give the link to the group. I will post further details on this as I get things done. I always welcome comments and suggestion to my designs, so if you have any, feel free to post them here.