I don´t know how the nrf24l01 is implemented in mysensors, but have a look here:
Does the mysensors library care about this ?
I don´t know how the nrf24l01 is implemented in mysensors, but have a look here:
Does the mysensors library care about this ?
Thank BartE, exactly what i needed, works perfect
I already upgraded all my sensors, makes it much easyer because i have a different gateway on my solder bench then in the house
It would maybe make sense to include that feature to the examples ?
Best regards
A real great project here, i follow since long, built many sensors, even ordered own PCBs.
Some of them worked now for over a year...
But now, as new projects came in mind, i needed more sensors, and more gateways, so i tried with the wifi gateway
That´s where my problems started - see my other topics here
I saw now, your work made a lot of progres, OTA-Update, message signing,....,
But now old and new sketches are not compatible any more, many compile errors
I have to confess, for a beginner, it´s really hard to follow, for most of the problems the experts here say "did you try the developer version? " - the developer version is, as the name says, developer level, no waranty it works...
So please, could you update the build page ? Or maybe if you prefer take some things like the wifi gateway out till it´s really working ?
Please understand that some people find this page and think, wow, that´s exactly what i need, i´ll order the parts and build it, they want to spend time in automate the house, not in debugging faults.
Please don´t understand me wrong, i know all this is done privately just for fun, but imagine a beginner seeing the nice pages in the build-area, thinking, wow, really easy, but then it starts to get really time consuming
Hello Hek,
thank you so much to try to help me - i found the problem now and i guess it´s the same problem many others have here:
On almost all ESP12 GPIO 4 and 5 are labeled wrong
I didn´t use a NodeMCU, but one of the other available boards
As the CE pin is then connected to the wrong GPIO, it seems to work, Radio init ok, but as soon as the gateway sends something, it crashes
Here are some interesting posts about that:
Maybe you should ad this notice to the build-section for the wifi gateway ?
Best regards
I had a gateway running for about 3 weeks without any problems (Dev-Version)
Suddenly, it didn´t present messages to my controller
Strange thing was, if i did a recnnect on the controller, it worked for a few minutes
Even if i open a second putty session, i see the gateway, i see the main controller connecting
0;255;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete.
but after a few minutes, no messages from the sensors
If i open another putty-instance, it works again for a few minutes.
I thought about a hardware fault, built everythaing again, so new ESP, new NRF, other power supply, but absolute same behaviour.
Maybe a problem that i only have sensor, so i only receive messages, send nothing ?
Or is it some messages in my network the Wifi-Gateway mis-interprets ?
Another possibility, depending on which controller you are using - send the "on" message each 60sec , and check on the controller side if this "alive" signal is there / missing
I was thinking of a similar system, but hadn´t time so far to realize it.
The idea:
Could anybody confirm this ?
I also have problems with the antenna version
Hello Hek,
thank you so much to try to help me - i found the problem now and i guess it´s the same problem many others have here:
On almost all ESP12 GPIO 4 and 5 are labeled wrong
I didn´t use a NodeMCU, but one of the other available boards
As the CE pin is then connected to the wrong GPIO, it seems to work, Radio init ok, but as soon as the gateway sends something, it crashes
Here are some interesting posts about that:
Maybe you should ad this notice to the build-section for the wifi gateway ?
Best regards
I don´t know how the nrf24l01 is implemented in mysensors, but have a look here:
Does the mysensors library care about this ?
Hello Novici,
thanks a lot for your reply
I wrote somethong about it here:
so there must be something wrong in the code, if it´s working with the older regular Code, but not with the developer code
What i wonder is , that Hek doesn´t get the same problems in his test setup
Hello Hek,
i just saw in the german FHEM Forum, somebody has exactly the same Problems as me - but when switching back to the old / regular version, it works as expected, except the other problem with the long values.
SO it musst be a software thing, nothing hardware related
But as it is really strange you don´t get this problen, did any body else see it ?
Could maybe someone upload the compiled binary ? Just to check all possible faults ?
The needed settings are:
Yes, i erased and downloaded everything new 2 days ago
Did you see the other forum post ?
Really strange problem, i´d say i have a fake chip or something, but as it´s working with ESPEasy, i can´t imagine...
In Board manager, i´m using 2.0, should i also go to the developer version ?