At the moment they use same Channel and base ID, as it´s, i have to confess, very complicated to change them each time in the file and to recompile everything.
But i will try tomorrow to give them different ID´s / Channels.
WHat confuses me even more, and i don´t expect to get help here, but as i use FHEM, i saw, that ID´s i deleted in the past were reasigned to new sensors, with some values from the old / deleted ones, maybe that´s already where the problems start....
I think the easiest for me would be to Switch either to the developer Version- as said it´s ot receiving all Messages, or use the MQTT Gateway, but how to get it in inclusion mode ? Do i understand it right that the MQTT ESP Gateway will handle the allowed childs by itself and broadcast the Messages of only These childs to the MQTT Broker ?