@Falcogeorge I have an RFM69 on a Anarduino (basically a AT328p with solder pads for the RFM69. I started with MySensors V2.2.0 My RFM69 NSS is connected to D10. All works fine. My setup code is below. One note, the default debug baud is 115k. This is likely too fast for some with lower speed clocks. #define MY_DEBUG #define MY_BAUD_RATE (9600ul) // === Hardware / MySensors Initialization ================ // ======================================================== #define MY_RADIO_RFM69 #define MY_RFM69_FREQUENCY RFM69_915MHZ #include <MySensors.h> // === Node Initialization ================================ // ======================================================== #define CHILD_ID 5 #define sensortype S_MULTIMETER #define LEDPIN 9 //PB1 is pin 9 on ProMini #define LED_TST A0 #define NODE_TXT "Counting_test_Node" uint8_t MyCount; uint8_t ACK_Result; uint8_t NACK_Count; MyMessage msg_Voltage(CHILD_ID, V_VOLTAGE);