Arduino using Atmega can supply max 40mA per pin, and in total max 100mA.
DS18B20 seems to use max 1,5mA
so yes this will work
After searching on the net.
The part for the power on, read, power off is below (taken from the above link):
void loop() {
digitalWrite(ONE_WIRE_POWER, HIGH); // turn DS18B20 sensor on
//Sleepy::loseSomeTime(5); // Allow 5ms for the sensor to be ready
delay(5); // The above doesn't seem to work for everyone (why?)
sensors.begin(); //start up temp sensor
sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Get the temperature
tinytx.temp=(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)*100); // Read first sensor and convert to integer, reversed at receiving end
digitalWrite(ONE_WIRE_POWER, LOW); // turn DS18B20 off