@mvader Hi,
I guess you are not for 8 months on v2?
I had a long time on the previous version as well.
Haven't done the measurements, but I noticed my batteries were depleted quickly since v2 was on.
I am more concerned about the fact that the force transmission doesn't seem to be working.
Posts made by jovo
RE: Sensebender Micro
RE: Sensebender Micro
Is there anybody who can comment if the battery usage is increased in V2.0?
I feel that my batteries are draining faster then with 1.4 I had installed before.
Also I am seeing issues with the Force Retransmit. I dont see this working either. it just transmits when Transmit_Treshhold is kicked.
My sketch is pretty default. As far as I can see, I only turned Batt_Sensor on.
RE: Sensebender Micro
I am in process of upgrading my Sensebenders to V2.0 and like to enable the OTA function.Who can give me some pointers on the capabilities of OTA for this Sensebender Micro board?
I know that has external flash for this purpose, but i am stuggling a bit finding how to use it.
So I am keen to read information on dependencies of the Sensebender sketch as well as the controller options.
My environment:
6x Sensebender
Wifi based Gateway
Domoticz as controllerThings I like to know:
- Is my sensebender shipped with optiboot bootloader? (have them about 1 year now)?
- do i require special Gateway software? (i noticed a sketch called something like GatewayESP8266OTA)
- what can i expect from Domoticz? probably not much, so do i need to connect to another controller (e.g. MYSController) to perform an update?
- What controller is advised for the standard bootloader (optiboot bootloader)?
I am sure those things are discussed in the past, but I was unable to find it.
Would be great if somebody can share a howto or wiki on this topic.thanks in advance
RE: Sensebender Micro
ok, it seems the aggregated upload is solved with the change from Thomas.
Now I modify the "14" in "11" as suggested by martin. I have 105% now, but that could be right because I measure 3.1V from my 2 fresh AA'sThe only 'new issue' I discovered is that one sensor actually stops being received updates from due low power. The measured voltage on the batteries is still 2.1V and the battery indicator was at 23%.
Could it be that I have bad fake radios that don't operate lower then 2.1V? (since there is no other external components added to my setup, I suspect only the radios). -
RE: Sensebender Micro
Thanks for the comments and suggestion.
Now I have installed the master branch code from the mys. library.
Unfortunately no change. Still very frequent updates (under the same circumstances).
I sense it has something to do with :
bool tx = force;
but I am not quite sure where to change it in.
I will continue my search..... -
RE: Sensebender Micro
I am a noob in coding so I need some advice for tuning the sensebender.ino
current observed problems:- sensor values transmitted every minutes
- battery level info seems wrong
I am running the default senseblender.ino.
on 1) What I understood in this forum, it should transmit the temp. values only every 30min (or direct when change is >.05). However, I see them arriving in my controller (Domoticz) every minute. What should I change to have it send every 30min?
on 2) I observe in Domoticz that the battery levels reported (in the Devices section) are inaccurate. For example: one sensebender with 3.2v measured power reports 80, where I would expect round 100 (this one has new batteries). Other sensebenders with still 2.63v report 53. How to calibrate the battery measurement?
I have been searching this forum, but was unable to find the answer.
Alternatively, a pointer to a wiki on sensebender.ino that has this explained would work as well. -
RE: Need working example battery powered sensor
Humm, from the AMS1117 datasheet:
Quiescent Current AMS1117: 5-11mA.
It looks like to has some significant quiescent current.
Perhaps for me good idea to research a little further in this direction. -
RE: Need working example battery powered sensor
@AWI: Tx for the feedback. I checked with my mini's. I got both versions: 5v and 3v3 (ordered from BEEStore). They seems not to be switchable. they 3v3 one have a 8Mhz crystal and the regulator (AMS 1117) for 3v3. the 5v one has 16Mhz crystal and a 5v version of this regulator.
I was wondering, in my design I plan to power the board directly from the VCC pin (not the raw). I suspect that the regulator doesn't consume much in this case. let me see if I can find a datasheet of this component.
RE: Need working example battery powered sensor
I broke one Arduino by removing the power regulator
I broke another one while playing with the fuses (I think?) in an attempt to set the 1Mhz system clock.
I tried all suggested "low power/sleep/pwr_dwn sketches" I came across, but one of them was giving my a better power consumption then the default "sleep time" option used in the sketches of mysensors.
The only thing that was working as removing the LED. This saves approx. 1.2mA.I am now at 3.3mA sleep consumption. Adding the DC-DC power booster to the config once received from China, so I expect to add another extra mA consumption.
Not sure if 4.5mA sleep pwr draw is sustainable for battery operators (only 26 days on a 2800mAh batterypack).Since I believe that lowering the clock rate could be the solution for my project, I ordered some more mini-pro's to experiment more with the fuses setting.
Overall, despite the mixed results, still a very interesting project where I had great learning on my rusty hardware and programming skills....
Any further suggestions to improve pwr consumption remain always welcome
RE: Need working example battery powered sensor
Spend some time today researching this topic.
I concluded that I need a step-up anyway since the DHT-22 have a min Vcc of 3.3 which is easily reached when batteries are depleting, so I bought some of these.But this is not enough. I am fascinated by the extreme low power use of what we reported by EasyIoT in the low power guide by lowering the freq of the CPU.
avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p -U lfuse:w:0x62:m
avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p -U efuse:w:0x07:m
After some struggle I manage to burn the fuses (or at least AVRDUDE gave me a successful status). Then I edited the boards.txt and selected the EasyIoT board from the list. The problem I have now is that I cannot upload sketches anymore:
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x15
I played a bit with the com speed setting in board.txt (as this resolved also my fuse burn issue earlier). Unfortunately, no success...Now my questions:
- anybody similar experience after fuse buring and how to resolve this?
- how can I revert back to the original fuse setting so I can use my arduino again?
RE: Need working example battery powered sensor
@rvendrame said:
Yes, i have seen this discussion. it has great information and i should try some of them.
To be more precise on my initial request, i think i should prioritize exploring the software options so it would be great if someone could clarify the best low-power options in the sketches. I am now just using the "sleep-time" option from the default mysensor sketches, but there are many more sleep options to choose for when checking the lowpower sketch. In particular, is there an difference between just sleep and power down. I guess so and since i like to work with a timer, if i can power down the node for a number of minutes, i guess that has great savings. a suggestion for a mysensors based power-down sketch would be great.
Need working example battery powered sensor
I like to build a low power sensor, for the moment only supporting a DHT22 sensor.
The objective is use the following:- 3.3v mini-pro + radio of course
- DHT22 sensor
- 2 x AA battery power source
- battery life time min 6 months.
While searching I read about different aspects to improve power consumption. My initial conclusion is that I need to include the following items: - using a step-up converter to squeeze all energy from the batteries (which one has best performance/price?)
- signaling down the unused digital ports (seems to be the most easy item)
- low power sleep mode: there seems to be many different ways and status of sleep mode. I don't need external trigger. the default sleep mode from the sensor sketches seems not to give the power right saving (measurement show still 5mA while in sleep mode). It was written that we should be able to go down to 100's of uA but how?
- lowering clock freq and "burning fuses", etc..
There are tons of discussions on this forum and other similar internet places discussing this topic, but I am struggling finding the right directions that integrates easily with this mysensors platform (I am not a super experienced programmer).
Basically I am looking for a working " how to" including all necessary steps to achieve low power. I suspect it does exist already somewhere, but I wasn't able to find. It would be great if someone can help me with this.