@hek About to make this sensor, very cool! I had already brought a 12v traffic light before I saw this, so now ordered an LED ring, as that makes a lot more sense getting closer to the target area. But could you help out regarding the implementation of the timeout, as I'm pretty terrible at programing

Lawrence Helm
@Lawrence Helm
Best posts made by Lawrence Helm
RE: Parking Sensor
Contest Ideas
I had an idea, for anyone entering the contest, and for anyone that has ideas, but not the knowhow could post it here too
So some people have used V_text to send a temperature from the controller to a node with an LCD display. Which I'm still planning on implementing my self.
But for something more interesting that could be implemented, are gauge displays or something like the following:
RE: My upcoming project
I think a stink sensor, with a red flashing light on the outside door is the way to go. Lol or an auto spray after you leave...
LCD node for the Build section.
Re: LCD displays
One thing that is missing from my sensors build part is an LCD node, say I have a temperature sensor in the garage and want to display it on an LCD node in the kitchen. There are many projects that have an LCD display but nothing simple for the non programmer like me
Thank you
RE: Round water tank level sensor
@Boots33 Have you thought about sending the days available. i.e. calculate daily usage and divide that by the water that is still available? would have to roll the numbers i.e. say take the last two weeks of how much the water dropped in a day averaged out... if that makes sense.
Latest posts made by Lawrence Helm
RE: SCT-013-030 Energy Meter
I never got this going, have to play around with it again, but one thing I did do wrong was put the clip around both wires, instead of just the positive. I.e. putting it around + and - will give 0.
RE: LCD node for the Build section.
Thank you, I did find some examples, but when I tried removing and including code I would get a blank screen. But besides that, its a great thing to have under the build section. I'm sure others would benefit, making an awesome thing even better
LCD node for the Build section.
Re: LCD displays
One thing that is missing from my sensors build part is an LCD node, say I have a temperature sensor in the garage and want to display it on an LCD node in the kitchen. There are many projects that have an LCD display but nothing simple for the non programmer like me
Thank you
RE: Round water tank level sensor
@Boots33 Have you thought about sending the days available. i.e. calculate daily usage and divide that by the water that is still available? would have to roll the numbers i.e. say take the last two weeks of how much the water dropped in a day averaged out... if that makes sense.
RE: Diy motor patio awning
@dennis_henk nope but looks similar to a roller blind, you can check out rflink and domoticz
RE: How does MySensors actually work
@palande.vaibhav o.k if all connected o.k, it should show up, remember it will send something when the temperature changes so hold your fingers on the temperature sensor, and it should show up...
RE: How does MySensors actually work
For a start just install domoticz, or other software on a pc (controller), connect a gateway to that pc and make a sensor, then go to the software website and read how to add the gateway and sensors
RE: Low Voltage Whole House Power Supply
Either https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/12V-DC-power-distribution-9-way-PCB-board-terminal-block-for-switching-power-supply-electricity-current/32506638397.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.261.EGpgTj or https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/Panel-Mount-10-Position-Power-Distribution-Fuse-Module-Board-For-AC-DC-5-32V/32665224187.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.267.EGpgTj looks like a nice solution, going to do something like this my self soon
RE: Contest Ideas
Another idea would be, a mysensors network strength scanner, something like http://hackaday.com/2016/02/24/quickie-wifi-scanner/