Hack air refresher
I have an air refresher in the main bathroom, the problem with that one is that is spraying in constant intervals, so even if no one has been in the bathroom for a long time (during night for example).
Now when I have started with Arduino and MySensors I think it would be possible to hack this one, so I can trigger it via sensors or schedules.
Have anyone tried this before?
@Patrik-Söderström +1 for originality
Great, you can rig a few and have a "daily smell".
Methane sensor
@Lawrence-Helm said:
Methane sensor
I'm sure you could control the power to itand tie it to a day/night schedule in your controller or something.
Hi i actually did this hack 4 weeks ago, its quite ugly, but here goes:
Arduino 5v with external power and the sketch: https://github.com/mysensors/MySensorsArduinoExamples/blob/master/examples/RelayWithButtonActuator/RelayWithButtonActuator.ino
Connect the relay to gnd on the little controlboard and the first "long 30-min-spray solderpoint" just Connect some spare wire to test when the motor starts (it start after 15 seconds)
tadaa!Use the pushbutton to start the airwick manually. i have a simple timer in domoticz that just shuts off the switch after 20 seconds.
This weekend i will build the MQ-2 sensor