Hi @NeverDie,
I also have the strong feeling that a couple of voltage detectors could make it much easier, yet β due to picoamps leakage β more effective.
Such, in the couple of last days I've tried to reproduce the UB40M circuit with real transistors. Perhaps, when you build a die you can construct every transistor with the parameters you need, but I admit it was not a trivial task to pick anything suitable from a catalogue. I defined no strict constraints to the application, rather tried to be opportunistic and use whatever works. There were some assumptions though:
- Input voltage is defined by the solar cell and is somewhere between 2V and 3V. In the deign below it's set to 2.5V.
- The short circuit current for the cell should not extend 50 nA. I've limited it down to 25 nA with the Rcell = 2.5V/25nA = 100MΞ©.
- The harvester should be able to charge 22Β΅F storage capacitor - this capacity should be enough to send a single non-connectable BLE advertisement.
I haven't bothered to find the low leaking MOSFETs and chose something small, handy to solder, cheap, and in stock. That turns out to be power MOSFETs in PowerPAK SC-70 package from Vishay. The nomenclature is SiAxxxDJ where the xxx is what you may see in the circuitry below. For example, 421 stands for SiA421DJ.

The core of the circuit is the pretty much of the UB40M reference design. The series of MP5-MP7/MN6-MN8 triggers will pull Reset line high when VREF will become low. This will happen when MN5 will pull it down, and depends on the Vdet voltage. At the same time, the MP4 will be turned off by VoutL (Reset) thus preventing VinL from being unintentionally pulled to the GND. The MP3 is used as a diode there.
I failed to create the VREF voltage in the way it was defined in the Bristol paper. With the circuit powered by the very low-power source, it suffers from transient processes a lot. To address that, I went for more complicated solution with couple of triggers controlled by Rdet1+Rdet2 divider. The divider also allows to tune the circuit to better match source and storage capacitor.
Finally, there is a 1k load attached to the Vin line. It discharges the Cstore capacitor as soon as the Reset will be set high. Upon discharge, the voltage detector will went reset the Vdet and the Cstore will be charged back.
In my KiCad ngspice it looks as follows. With Vcell=2.5V, Icell=25nA the Vin oscillates between 1.4V and 1.95V. Although this is way below required 1.8V for most of sensors and MCU, raising solar cell voltage to 3.5V will shift the voltages to the usable range.
Discharge current is limited solely by the Rload=1k. At the same time, average current consumption of the harvester is about 3nA - the blue line I(Rharv). Solar cell load is below 10 nA - the yellow line I(Rcell). However, due to non-linear nature it's hard to predict how the line will look like with a real cell. Probably, it's better to simulate it with a current source, I don't know. The red line Vdet shows how the voltage detector works.

To be honest, I'm quite unhappy about the circuit.
First of all, it uses a lot of transistors, please compare this to the BJT harvesters you're working on. Also, many of them work on subthreshold voltages, and this makes it relatively hard to to tune. But worse, real devices will likely to suffer from the voltage interference which makes the whole circuit too fragile. Taking in account the money to build it (even with $0.40 per FET), it turns out the circuit shall be considered rather impractical.