Best posts made by Oumuamua
RE: ESP8266 + RFM69 Reset loop (rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7))
No, actually I use the RPi just as power source. The gateway connects to the hub over WiFi.
The RPi is good (the original one). I will try to move to an independent power source just to test.
Thanks for the reply again.
RE: [SOLVED] High battery usage (Pro-Mini / RFM69 / Si7021)
Just quick update to help others that may find this topic relevant: problem is solved. Problem was the step-up (probably low quality). Sensor is working well and with very low battery usage (no change in 5 days).
Thanks for the comments.
RE: Raspberry Pi 3 (RPI 3) gateway initialization loop
Problem solved: I was using as --my-mqtt-client-id the same name as my previous broker.
Thanks for your help all!
RE: Sudden battery drain - Pro-mini + RFM69
I haven’t moved the sensor to a weatherproof case (still figuring out the new design), but I connected it to an external power source.
The circuit is operating perfectly.
If humidity or something alike had damaged it, it should be not working, right?
Although I think it is important to use the weatherproof case, I feel something else is happening here.
@skywatch: where I live in BR temperature ranges between 5-36C. I can see some fluctuations in battery V when temp changes, but usually around 0.05V
RE: Consistent NACK + RPI Gateway
Thanks for the hint @mfalkvidd
After much research (mainly here and here), it does look like RFM69+RPI+Mysensors 2.3.x don't like each other very much.
However, I updated my RPI code to the latest version (at RPI, move to MySensors directory, then "git pull", then make+install gateway again) and the NACK problem was completely solved. I also had many NACK during presentation, which all went away. Problem solved and it seems that the radio is performing faster (probably less time waiting ACK).
I also tried to address the low RSSI at gateway (again, it seems a recurring problem for RFM69+RPI) using this code, but it didn't "make".
Would you have any insight on the RSSI issue as well? It seems that you participated in some part of the discussion (here
RE: Sudden battery drain - Pro-mini + RFM69
Hi all,
Should anyone face the same problem, I found the root cause: brownout threshold. I burned a new bootloader (Optiboot 8.0) without such trigger and the node has been working with used batteries (~2.7V) since May.
Hope this helps.