Here is the schematics (freshly made for you :))
And here the part list:
- Arduino pro mini (3.3v with BOD disabled) or Sensebender Micro
- Ultrasonic sensor: ME007-ULS (available here)
- NRF24L01+ (I use the PA - LNA version for long range communication)
- NPN Transistor: BC548 (the B version if prefered)
- Base resistor: 1k
- 3.3V Step-up Voltage regulator: NCP1402 (available here)
- Logic Level Converter (available here
it says 3.3/5 but actually it's any to any voltage.
- Waterproof case (available here)
And finally here is my code (not cleaned, sorry).
And the Eagle SCH
0_1496348714531_Low power Distance Sensor.sch
And now, I realize that it may have been wise to upload that to