I'm doing the Ethernet getway, but I have a problem.
I would like adding a a button to sync the sensor.
Someone know how I do this?And of course add button in sensor to sync the devices.
yeah, 10 virgin nodes powered up at the same time is a bad idea I seem to remember reading somwewhere here warning aginst that.
If yu have node ID trust issues with Mysensors you should move your address to different locaion as 0x00 is used by Mysensors... just sayin..;)
Quick Range Check on the WIO-E5-LE. The LE version uses only the low power PA, +14dBm max. Using the default settings except for 915MHz
#define MY_SX126x_FREQUENCY (SX126x_915MHZ)
#define MY_SX126x_LORA_SF LORA_SF7
#define MY_SX126x_LORA_BW LORA_BW_125
#define MY_SX126x_LORA_CR LORA_CR_4_5
I get about 190 meter range, just walking around the neighborhood, line of site except for some trees and power lines.
No tuning on the antenna. Just using a 77.9mm wire.
Not as dramatic as some have achieved with LoRa radio's, but plenty good enough for my house and yard : )