Magnetic field detection

  • Hello everyone...

    i try to build a Anemometer with an AS5040-Chip.... so it would be great to use mysensors with an Anemometer...
    does anyone have a similar project? maybe there are wiring-plans for the as5040 and arduinos?

    thanks for help..

  • Hero Member

    @michlb1982 This site shows how to connect an AS5040 to an Arduino and has a sample sketch: The section is towards the bottom called Digital SSI Output. None of the pins used conflict with NRF24 radio usage so it should be relatively simple to MySensor it.


  • Hello

    thanks for the input...
    well i did it...
    i was able to build an Wind-direction-MYSENSOR... well i'm sure, its a little bit
    awkward and much to complicated but it works quite OK...
    the next step is to build a windspeed - sensor.. with the AS5040..

    here the Arduino nano Code...:

    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <MySensor.h>
    const int ledPin = 13; //LED connected to digital pin 13
    const int clockPin = 5; //output to clock
    const int CSnPin = 4; //output to chip select
    const int inputPin = 6; //read AS5040
    int inputstream = 0; //one bit read from pin
    long packeddata = 0; //two bytes concatenated from inputstream
    long angle = 0; //holds processed angle value
    long anglemask = 65472; //0x1111111111000000: mask to obtain first 10 digits with position info
    long statusmask = 63; //0x000000000111111; mask to obtain last 6 digits containing status info
    long statusbits; //holds status/error information
    int DECn; //bit holding decreasing magnet field error data
    int INCn; //bit holding increasing magnet field error data
    int OCF; //bit holding startup-valid bit
    int COF; //bit holding cordic DSP processing error data
    int LIN; //bit holding magnet field displacement error data
    int shortdelay = 1000; // this is the microseconds of delay in the data clock
    int longdelay =1000; // this is the milliseconds between readings
    #define CHILD_ID_DIR 0
    //#define INTERRUPT inputPin
    MySensor gw;
    void setup()
      gw.begin(NULL, AUTO, true, AUTO);
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // visual signal of I/O to chip
      pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); // SCK
      pinMode(CSnPin, OUTPUT); // CSn -- has to toggle high and low to signal chip to start data transfer
      pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); // SDA
      // Send the Sketch Version Information to the Gateway
      gw.sendSketchInfo("Winddirection", "1.0");
      // Register all sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices)
      gw.present(CHILD_ID_DIR, S_WIND);
    void loop()
    // CSn needs to cycle from high to low to initiate transfer. Then clock cycles. As it goes high
    // again, data will appear on sda
      digitalWrite(CSnPin, HIGH); // CSn high
      digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); // CLK high
      delay(longdelay);// time between readings
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // signal start of transfer with LED
      digitalWrite(CSnPin, LOW); // CSn low: start of transfer
      delayMicroseconds(shortdelay); // delay for chip initialization
      digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); // CLK goes low: start clocking
      delayMicroseconds(shortdelay); // hold low
      for (int x=0; x <16; x++) // clock signal, 16 transitions, output to clock pin
        digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); //clock goes high
        delayMicroseconds(shortdelay); // 
        inputstream =digitalRead(inputPin); // read one bit of data from pin
    //Serial.print(inputstream, DEC);
        packeddata = ((packeddata << 1) + inputstream);// left-shift summing variable, add pin value
        digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
        delayMicroseconds(shortdelay); // end of one clock cycle
    // end of entire clock cycle
    //Serial.println(" ");
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // signal end of transmission
    // lots of diagnostics for verifying bitwise operations
    //Serial.print("pack bin: ");
      angle = packeddata & anglemask; // mask rightmost 6 digits of packeddata to zero, into angle.
    //Serial.print("mask: ");
    //Serial.println(anglemask, BIN);
    //Serial.print("bin angle:");
    //Serial.println(angle, BIN);
    //Serial.print("angle: ");
    //Serial.println(angle, DEC);
      angle = (angle >> 6); // shift 16-digit angle right 6 digits to form 10-digit value
    //Serial.println(angle, BIN);
    //Serial.print("angledec: ");
    //Serial.println(angle, DEC);
      angle = angle * 0.3515; // angle * (360/1024) == actual degrees
      Serial.print("angle: "); // and, finally, print it.
      Serial.println(angle, DEC);
    //Serial.print("raw: "); // this was the prefix for the bit-by-bit diag output inside the loop.
      if (debug)
        statusbits = packeddata & statusmask;
        DECn = statusbits & 2; // goes high if magnet moved away from IC
        INCn = statusbits & 4; // goes high if magnet moved towards IC
        LIN = statusbits & 8; // goes high for linearity alarm
        COF = statusbits & 16; // goes high for cordic overflow: data invalid
        OCF = statusbits & 32; // this is 1 when the chip startup is finished.
        if (DECn && INCn) { Serial.println("magnet moved out of range"); }
          if (DECn) { Serial.println("magnet moved away from chip"); }
          if (INCn) { Serial.println("magnet moved towards chip"); }
        if (LIN) { Serial.println("linearity alarm: magnet misaligned? Data questionable."); }
        if (COF) { Serial.println("cordic overflow: magnet misaligned? Data invalid."); }
      float V_DIRECTION = angle;
      gw.send(msgDIR.set(V_DIRECTION, DEC));
      packeddata = 0; // reset both variables to zero so they don't just accumulate
      angle = 0;

    the code for FHEM:

    attr MYSENSOR_111 IODev SerialGate
    attr MYSENSOR_111 alias Windrichtung
    attr MYSENSOR_111 group Sensoren
    attr MYSENSOR_111 mapReading_direction 0 direction
    attr MYSENSOR_111 mapReading_gust 0 gust
    attr MYSENSOR_111 mapReading_wind 0 wind
    attr MYSENSOR_111 mode repeater
    attr MYSENSOR_111 room 03_Umwelt
    attr MYSENSOR_111 stateFormat {sprintf("%.0f",ReadingsVal("MYSENSOR_111","direction",0))."°"}

    a curcuit will follow in the next days...


  • here some pics
    Foto 06.12.15, 13 06 18.jpg Foto 06.12.15, 13 06 27.jpg Foto 06.12.15, 13 06 08.jpg Foto 06.12.15, 13 06 00.jpg

  • well, the promised curcuit...Windrichtung-AS5040-Mysensor.pdf Windrichtung_Steckplatine.jpg Windrichtung.fzz

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