newby start his project
i have build a gatway and a humidity/temp sensor from and its works perfectly.
now wil i start with a little wether station bild by my self to learn to write software for the arduino.
there must a humidity/temp, presser and a lux sensor in.
now saw i that the pressure (bmp085) and the lux sensor (bh1750) use the same pins.How and were can i change one of this? i can't find it in the exampels to chance it.
thanks chris
@csnij both sensors should use the same pins as they are I2c. This is a serial bus protocol where each of the devices has an unique bus address. If you use the example libraries (including the wire.h) for these sensors they will be addressed on their default bus address. (sounds like magic doesn't it?
Thanks awi.
I made that some weeks aga.
this is my sensor and maybe it can give you some inspiration. Good Lucy @csnij
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