Only one Client connects to MQTT-Gateway
Is there only one client allowed to be connected to the MQTT-Gateway at the same time?
When I connect a MQTT-client on my PC to subscribe to the MQTT-Gateway everything works fine and I get messages.
Now I power on my Rasperry with OpenHAB --> OpenHAB can't connect to Gateway.The other way round it is the same.
Power on OpenHAB --> connected with gateway
MQTT-Client on PC --> Connection not possible.
Power off OpenHAB --> MQTT-Client on PC can connect.Is there a configuration to allow multiple connections or am i doing something wrong?
Did you search for MQTT in the forum? I think this thread answers your questions.
Yes I searched for MQTT and i also found that thread, but unfortunately skipped the important part of that thread
This is the answer that I searched for.
Thank you