Nem home, automation project

  • Hi! I'm planning to the a complete renovation on my apartment, this will include new wiring and new lights.

    this seems the perfect opportunity to include some home automation..

    I'd like to have light control, blinds control an temperature control(air conditioning) at least to start..

    Anyone has built a similar project?

    I have some questions on how to control the lights, the easy way is maybe to remove the wall switches, or to have 3 way switches, (one wall switch connected to the relay using 2 wires, the normally open and normally closed). Other option maybe to have the switches removed from the light circuit and have them connected to the controller and configure some actions for them.. Not sure if this last option is possible or how it can be done..

    For the blinds control this can be done with the digital ports?

    And for the AC? Can this be done? Any special feature I need to look the the AC machine?

    Thanks in advance for any input.

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