Nb of possible nodes in a mysensors networks with domoticz

  • Hello, I am a beginner in domotic, and I have a very basic question : in a mysensors network controlled by domoticz, is it possible to use several nodes with one gateway ? I use presently -working like a charm- a network with one Uno node, with nrf24L01, with 6 children, to monitor the water level in a well and several pumps start/stop. I would like to add a 2nd node (another Uno with nrf24) in another place, reporting to the same gateway and domoticz controller, with one child sensor, but I do not manage to do it. The 2nd Uno does not appear in the list of materials / devices of mysensors box in Domoticz. Is there a special procedure I do not know to get this new node recognized in Domoticz ? What could I be missing ?
    My controller and my present gateway are hosted on a raspberrypi 3.
    Thanks very much in advance.

  • You should be able to add up to 254 nodes on one gateway.

    You might be able to get some info from the Domoticz log. In Domoticz, go to Setup->Log.
    If you reset your new node, you should see messages showing the presentation info and maybe the first values.
    If you don't see that, double check your hardware.
    If you do see it, it should be in the Setup->Devices list.

  • Thanks for your answer.
    I do not see anything new in the domoticz log when I reset the Uno. Just in case, I have already changed the NRF24L01+PA&LA and added a 33uF capacity between its power lines : no change. The first node is still working perfectly, so that I assume that the reception part on the gateway and controller is OK.
    I go on investigating.....

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