RGBW Controller kit
I've been looking around for a hardware solution for an RGBW LED strip controller, and came across this from The CustomGeek. It's a full kit of parts, and is based on an ATMEGA328P with an Arduino bootloader and sketch already loaded. The board uses 4 MOSFETs for the different LED channels, and has some interesting features:
- onboard RGB and white LEDs, which enable you to monitor the colours and levels of the LED strips
- serial interface, with TTL and RS232 level options, giving the ability to send serial commands (such as red50, to set red to 50%)
- an IR interface, using the Adafruit Mini Remote Controller (not included in the kit)
- an FTDI interface, to enable the Arduino to be reprogrammed (new sketches uploaded)
- unused analogue and digital pins brought out to a header, for easy external connection.
As such, I thought it should be possible to 'MySensorise' this, and add an NRF24L01+ radio.
I ordered the kit from the US (took about 2 weeks to arrive). I discovered that the board uses digital outputs 3, 9, 10 & 11, where the radio requires 9, 10 & 11. I got round this by swapping 5 & 11 on the board (cutting tracks, adding links), and changing CE & CS to 6 & 7 in the sketch. I've tried several of the RGB(W) sketches published on this site, and all work well! (I'm using Domoticz as controller.)
I made a few other minor mods to the board:
- I built a small 'daughterboard' consisting of the radio and AMS1117 (to provide 3.3V), and used different headers to enable this to be plugged in horizontally (see pics)
- I mounted the IR receiver on a header, so that I could use this externally from the board
- I changed the values of the resistors driving the onboard LEDs, as the latter were too bright.
I've included some pics below:
I've also developed a sketch, which I'll upload in another post.
Sorry, pics didn't materialise!
...and here's the correct link to the original kit! The Custom Geek
Here's the sketch I've developed. It's based on the Dimmable LED With Rotary Encoder, which I extended to 4 channels, and added some IR methods based on Jeremy Saglimbeni's sketch.
The sketch saves updated LED levels in eeprom, so that these survive any power interruption, and provides a simple fade up / down to new levels.
The sketch uses PWM outputs 3, 5, 9 & 10 for the LEDs, and pins 6 & 7 for the CE & CS pins on the radio. The choice was limited by the particular board I'm using, but in practice it should be possible to use this sketch on other RGB / RGBW controllers.
As documented in the sketch, the IR uses a TSOP38238 IR receiver and Adafruit Mini Remote Control, with the Adafruit_NECremote library. I've emulated most - but not all - of the IR commands in the original CustomGeek sketch. IR commands update the LED levels, and send these levels to the controller (I'm using Domoticz). If you don't want to use IR, you can simply remove the hearir() statement in the loop() method (line 140).
/** * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice. * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes. * * Created by Henrik Ekblad <henrik.ekblad@mysensors.org> * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB * Full contributor list: https://github.com/mysensors/Arduino/graphs/contributors * * Documentation: http://www.mysensors.org * Support Forum: http://forum.mysensors.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * ******************************* * * REVISION HISTORY * Version 1.0 - Developed by Bruce Lacey and GizMoCuz (Domoticz) * Version 1.1 - Modified by MikeF to provide 4 dimmers: RGBW * and simple IR control: toggle / up / down, with inspiration * from Jeremy Saglimbeni (www.thecustomgeek.com) * * DESCRIPTION * RGBW LED strip controlled with 4 dimmers, with simple fade up / down. * Uses TSOP38238 IR receiver with Adafruit NEC Remote Control to provide * remote control, as well as operation through gateway / controller. * * ---------------------------------------------------* * IR Commands: * * Remote Key NEC Code Command * * ---------------------------------------------------* * vol- 0 (not used) * * play/pause 1 (not used) * * vol+ 2 (not used) * * setup 4 white toggle * * up 5 bright - RGB * * stop/mode 6 all off * * left 8 white down * * enter/save 9 (not used) * * right 10 white up * * 0/+10 12 all on * * down 13 dim - RGB * * repeat 14 show RGBW values * * 1 16 red up * * 2 17 green up * * 3 18 blue up * * 4 20 red toggle * * 5 21 green toggle * * 6 22 blue toggle * * 7 24 red down * * 8 25 green down * * 9 26 blue down * * ---------------------------------------------------* */ #include <SPI.h> #include <MySensor.h> #include "Adafruit_NECremote.h" #define RED_PIN 9 #define GREEN_PIN 10 #define BLUE_PIN 5 #define WHITE_PIN 3 #define IRpin 2 Adafruit_NECremote remote(IRpin); #define SN "Dimmable RGBW LED" #define SV "1.1" int r = 1; int g = 2; int b = 3; int w = 4; int i; int RGB_pins[5] = {0, RED_PIN, GREEN_PIN, BLUE_PIN, WHITE_PIN}; int toggleBtns[] = {0, 20,21,22,4}; // NEC codes for remote buttons - see table above int upBtns[] = {0, 16, 17, 18, 10}; int downBtns[] = {0, 24, 25, 26, 8}; int FADE_DELAY = 25; // ms between fade steps char convBuffer[10]; int oldLevel; int newLevel; int remval; int oldc; MyTransportNRF24 transport(6,7); // (default: 9, 10 - changed for my board) MySensor gw(transport); MyMessage RedStatus(r, V_DIMMER); MyMessage GreenStatus(g, V_DIMMER); MyMessage BlueStatus(b, V_DIMMER); MyMessage WhiteStatus(w, V_DIMMER); // Serial.print translate sensor id to sensor name char color[][6] = {"","RED","GREEN","BLUE","WHITE"}; void setup() { // Set analog led pin to off analogWrite( RED_PIN, 0); analogWrite( GREEN_PIN, 0); analogWrite( BLUE_PIN, 0); analogWrite( WHITE_PIN, 0); // Init mysensors library gw.begin(incomingMessage, 31, false); // Register sensors (id, type, description, ack back) gw.present(r, S_DIMMER, "RED LEDs"); gw.present(g, S_DIMMER, "GREEN LEDs"); gw.present(b, S_DIMMER, "BLUE LEDs"); gw.present(w, S_DIMMER, "WHITE LEDs"); // Send the Sketch Version Information to the Gateway gw.sendSketchInfo(SN, SV); // Retrieve our last dim levels from the eprom Serial.println("Sending in last known light levels to controller: "); for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { oldLevel = 0; newLevel = loadLevelState(i); update(i, newLevel); } Serial.println("Ready to receive messages..."); } void loop() { // Process incoming messages (like config and light state from controller) gw.process(); hearir(); // check the ir } void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) { if (message.isAck()) { Serial.println("Got ack from gateway"); } if (message.type == V_LIGHT) { // Incoming on/off command sent from controller ("1" or "0") int lightState = message.getString()[0] == '1'; i = message.sensor; oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); newLevel = 0; if (lightState==1) { // Pick up last saved dimmer level from the eeprom newLevel = loadLevelState(i + 5); } } else if (message.type == V_DIMMER) { // Incoming dim-level command sent from controller (or ack message) oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); newLevel = atoi(message.getString(convBuffer)); i = message.sensor; // Save received dim value to eeprom (unless turned off) // Will be retrieved when an 'On' command comes in sendStatus(i, newLevel); if (newLevel != 0) { saveLevelState(i + 5, newLevel); } } update (i, newLevel); } // Make sure only to store/fetch values in the range 0-100 from eeprom int loadLevelState(byte pos) { return min(max(gw.loadState(pos),0),100); } void saveLevelState(byte pos, byte data) { gw.saveState(pos,min(max(data,0),100)); } // Get the right message name to send sensor info void sendStatus(int idx, int level) { switch (idx) { case 1: gw.send(RedStatus.set(level), false); break; case 2: gw.send(GreenStatus.set(level), false); break; case 3: gw.send(BlueStatus.set(level), false); break; case 4: gw.send(WhiteStatus.set(level), false); break; } } // Listen to IR sensor void hearir() { int c = remote.listen(1); remval = c; if (oldc != c && c >= 0) { remoteck(); } c = oldc; } void remoteck() { // toggle for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { if (remval == toggleBtns[i]) { oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); newLevel = 0; if (oldLevel == 0) { newLevel = loadLevelState(i + 5); } update(i, newLevel); break; } } // up for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { if (remval == upBtns[i]) { oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); if (oldLevel <= 90) { newLevel = oldLevel + 10; saveLevelState(i + 5, newLevel); update(i, newLevel); } break; } } // down for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { if (remval == downBtns[i]) { oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); if (oldLevel >= 10) { newLevel = oldLevel - 10; if (newLevel != 0) { saveLevelState(i + 5, newLevel); } update (i, newLevel); } break; } } // all off if (remval == 6) { for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); newLevel = 0; update(i, newLevel); } } // all on if (remval == 12) { // returns to last saved values // could bring all up to 100%: newLevel = 100 for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); newLevel = loadLevelState(i + 5); update(i, newLevel); } } // RGB dim if (remval == 13) { for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); if (oldLevel >= 10) { newLevel = oldLevel - 10; if (newLevel != 0) { saveLevelState(i + 5, newLevel); } update(i, newLevel); } } } // RGB bright if (remval == 5) { for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); if (oldLevel <= 90) { newLevel = oldLevel + 10; saveLevelState(i + 5, newLevel); update(i, newLevel); } } } // status - displays current values in debug if (remval == 14) { Serial.println("Current levels:"); for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { oldLevel = loadLevelState(i); Serial.print(color[i]); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(oldLevel); Serial.println("%"); } } } void update(int idx, int level) { // Sends values to controller, outputs to pins, // saves to eeprom and outputs debug messages sendStatus(i, newLevel); fadeLEDToLevel(i, newLevel, FADE_DELAY); saveLevelState(i, newLevel); Serial.print("New light level received - "); Serial.print(color[i]); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(newLevel); Serial.println("%"); } void fadeLEDToLevel( int LED, int toLevel, int wait ) { int delta = ( toLevel - oldLevel ) < 0 ? -1 : 1; while ( oldLevel != toLevel ) { oldLevel += delta; analogWrite( RGB_pins[LED], (int)(oldLevel / 100. * 255) ); delay( wait ); } }
Looks cool! What controller are you using in your mysensor network?
If you want to build your own board I am currently working on one here. Most of it is similar to your board but more "barebone" without the IR receiver.
Why did you go for 4 different dimmers instead of one RGBW type?
Hi @LastSamurai , I'm using Domoticz as my controller. I've followed this thread and this one (as you may recall, we communicated on this), and I was concerned about Domoticz support for RGBW dimmers.
I've tried your RGBWDimmer sketch, and it works well, but I find I can't get on with the current Domoticz colour picker. Also, I plan to run separate RGB and W strips, so I've gone for the 4-dimmer approach.
Yeah I get that. The current color picker isn't really the best. I just didn't like having 4 different sliders for one led strip. I mean I don't really know the RGB values for say a dark blue or something... how did you solve that?
How did you integrate the IR control? Is that send to the controller first or does it just overwrite controller values? (Reading code on mobile isn't really easy^^)Just a little hint: I recently found some sketches that correct the dimmer curve (human eye doesn't see brightness linearly). Adding that to your sketch really makes dimming more natural.
I will follow this thread, it's interesting to see what others do in their (similar) projects
@LastSamurai said:
Yeah I get that. The current color picker isn't really the best. I just didn't like having 4 different sliders for one led strip.
I think there is a new rgb and rgbw color picker in beta version.
@fets Thanks, I am already using that and I still don't really like it
Doesn't really work very well with rgbw too.
@LastSamurai I accept that using sliders gives quite a coarse level of control - Domoticz only provides 16 steps on a slider (corresponding to increments of 6 - 7%), so the lowest blue, for instance, is 7%.
IR basically works in this sketch by loading stored % dimmer values from eeprom, incrementing / decrementing them, storing updated values, sending them to the controller, and outputting corresponding values (0 - 255) to the PWM pins. All I've tried to do so far is to emulate what was in Custom Geek's sketch. Currently it increases the % levels by 10 (e.g., 40 / 50 / 60 / 50 / 40). I realise that this can be made to provide finer control than the sliders in Domoticz, e.g., +/- 5.
I'm going to have another look at the Domoticz colour picker, but as I said, I find it difficult to use.
@fets The colour picker you showed already exists in Domoticz stable 2.3530.
OK, I'm starting to understand HSV better - and I've been reading this thread. I understand that Domoticz currently (although gizmocuz states this is due to change) only allows you to change Hue and Brightness (V), but not Saturation. Is there any other way of changing all 3 values, and sending them to a MySensors RGB node (*) - e.g., using V_TEXT (with suitable conversion from HSV to RGB)?
(* I'm currently looking at RGB, not RGBW, as I'm using a separate white strip - I've set up a simple sketch with V_RGB, and V_DIMMER for white.)
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