ESP8266 repeater?
I've got a nodemcu board with a ESP8266 running which 2 sensors report to. I'm finding the range of the sensors pretty bad so I would like to add in a nodemcu as a repeater.
Would this be possible, or would I just need to get both nodemcu's reporting to Domoticz?
You can add a "normal" mysensors repeater node to get longer reach.
If you add another nodemcu they will both have to communicate directly with the controller over ip.
Thanks - I think I got confused and thought I could use the nodemcu as a repeater. Mmm - now what to do with that extra nodemcu I ordered
Will try a normal repeater.
People seem to have managed to use the ESP an wifi range extender.
ESP8266 as a WiFi range extender – 06:00
— AReResearch
Interesting project - might give it a bash.
I have an extra nodeMCU that I use as a repeater + weather sensor (using the dev branch).
It's wired to the radio as for the ESP gateway and compiled with version 2.0.0 of the ESP arduino board. No problems so far, it's working as well than a "normal" repeater does.But sure, no need of an ESP for that.