Redesigned Vera UI7 Thermostat with Heat/Cool Setpoint, HVAC State, Fan Status, Energy Mode

  • Re: Request: New Sensor Type ? Thermostatically controlled switch

    Was not sure where to post this, came across this topic and thought will post a related topic.
    Wanted to see if I can replace our old non-wireless/non-zwave thermostat with a home built one using MySensor's thermostat interface (With Ethernet gateway, Nano AtMega328 & NRF24). While checking the Vera UI7 thermostat display found (as many of others) that it is missing few controls that I wanted to have. Searching google did not help much (may be I was not looking at the right place). So, decided to redesign the json to have the controls I wanted (It probably has more controls than most of us need, but they are there if anyone wants to use them).

    It's appearance on Vera UI7 dashboard: 0_1460232030972_Dashboard 1.png
    In Control Tab: 0_1460232131497_Control Tab.png

    In case anyone interested, the info below will get you started:
    a. Upload the redesigned D_HVAC_ZoneThermostatHC1.json in Vera, note the name of the file with HC (meant for Heat/Cool) vs original file name without HC
    b. Upload the modified D_HVAC_ZoneThermostatHC1.xml in Vera, note the name of the file with HC vs original file name without HC, beside the file name changes made: 1. "<deviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:HVAC_ZoneThermostatHC:1</deviceType>" and 2. comment out a section that we don't need
    c. Upload modified L_Arduino.lua in Vera, changes made:

    1. added a new device type HVACHC (did not want to touch the original HVAC device)
    2. introduced three tVarTypes: "HVAC_FAN_STATUS", "HVAC_MODE_STATE" & "HVAC_ENERGY_MODE"
    3. added a function for energy mode: "SetEnergyMode"

    d. Upload modified I_Arduino1.xml in Vera, changes made: added an <action></action> block for energy mode
    e. Upload your sketch with this modified MyMessage.h , changes made: added S_HVACHC, V_HVAC_FAN_STATUS, V_HVAC_MODE_STATE & V_HVAC_ENERGY_MODE
    f. Upload this sketch for a quick test:ThermostatHC.ino [Please note: it's not a full implementation of a thermostat, just some message exchange tests, you would have to write your own, still working on mine hence can't share at this point]

    Some test result:
    a. after uploading sketch to nano and reset: 0_1460234813172_Screen Shot 04-09-16 at 02.45 PM.PNG
    b. State change with changing mode: 0_1460235188952_Screen Shot 04-09-16 at 02.51 PM.PNG
    c. Message from rest of the controls: 0_1460235277640_Screen Shot 04-09-16 at 02.54 PM.PNG

    Will appreciate a note if you find any bugs in the plugin.

  • @mbk I do realize that this topic is quite old, but I thought I would comment on it anyway in the event that someone else stumbles on this as I did.

    I wanted to thank @mbk for his work and efforts in creating this. I thought it may be difficult to make the changes to my Thermostat Bridge Node sketch to implement this, but I was quite wrong. After not finding a solution to my setpoint issue for my thermostat, I decided to have a go at this.

    My findings on this can be found in my other thread,

  • @dbemowsk
    Glad the post helped somehow. You made some very good points in your post. I recommend anyone reading this also check @dbemowsk's post.

  • Very informative thread.

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