Serial Gateway Beta version 2 not Sending data on the RFM69 radio

  • Hi @hek I start testing the OH2 with the new binding over the last few days and I couldn't get any of my relay nodes to work with the lasts version of the serial gateway software Beta2 . I had a setup running Domoticz with and older version of the of the Serial Gateway beta software on it and once loaded OH2 software and configure it work fine. All sensor that send data to the serial gateway work with the new version of the gateway software it is only when the serial gateway have to send data to relay nodes and dimmer that it is nothing work. Is there something in the MyConfig.h file that I missed or is there any other place that I need to changes anything?



  • Admin

    You can see the latest changes here:

    The baudrate between controller/gw has changed (if you run the gateway arduino on 8Mhz).

    We also took in a large refactoring/rewrite done by @tekka of the NRF-radio driver. But as you use RFM69 you should be unaffected.

  • Thank @hek this fix my problem as I was using 8Mhz Arduino mini pro as a gateway.

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