My Vera 3 (UI7) keeps on rebooting

  • Hi all,

    I've just tried to install DataMine2 for my Vera 3 in order to get chart data for my temperatures. In order to get the DataMine (DM) plug-in to start working it seemed as a reboot of the Vera was needed. I know from previous experiences that rebooting the Vera might lead to loosing the serial port configuration and that the config does not easily show up in the UI, but rebooting seemed inevitable so I gave it a try.

    Anyway, I rebooted the Vera and the DM plugin seemed happy with this. Obviously the serial port config did not show up, so I tried to reboot a few more times. Suddenly (after the second reboot) the Vera started to reboot by itself. As soon as the Z-Wave led lights up, all the other leds light up as well, and then the unit restarts (i.e. the power led is the only led that is lit and it shifts between green and red in a slow blinking booting up manner).

    Unfortunately I was stupid enough not to take any backup of my z-wave settings, but I've finally (after the initial agression towards Vera settled) come to peace with the fact that I have to go around the apartment and re-include all of my z-wave switches.

    Anyway, does anyone have any idea on how to reset the Vera ? I've google quite a lot without much luck and tried this link but it seems to be using a upgrade.exe file written 2006 and is not compatible with Win 10 that I'm running (it requires Win XP).

    Any suggestions on getting my constantly reboting Vera 3 (UI7) back to this life would be highly appreciated even if it requires a re-inclusion of my z-wave devices.


  • Hello,

    I actually got a reply from Vera support and they offered to call me to help out. After 45 minutes (which was mostly consisting of waiting on Vera the issue was resolved).

    I hope that none of you would ever have to deal with this, but in case you do, these are the steps to follow:
    (The document is from Vera support, I've just made a few minor enhancements. I also used the Putty as telnet client)


    How To restore Vera 3

    1. Connect your computer directly into the LAN1 port on the Vera3 unit
    2. Plug the power adapter in Vera and when the power led starts blinking red (amber), press and release the reset button.
      This is the most important step because it puts the unit into flashing mode. If this is successful you will see the the power light blink red/green very fast. (If you press the Reset button while plugging in the power cord it won't work)
    3. Put a static IP on your computer ( and the gateway
    4. Run Putty and select connection type to Telnet. Make sure that the port is set to 22 and type as host address. When you are connected type (or rather paste) the commands below. (The third command will reboot Vera and in my case I never saw a response on the Putty terminal - it acted like the Vera hung)

    flash_eraseall -j /dev/mtd7
    echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

    Now the Vera unit should reboot and you should see it booting up. It might take a couple of
    seconds, first the LED should be solid red, then green, red and after that it should boot up
    6. Change your IP address back on automatically or and gateway
    7. Check that the Dashboard loads (i.e open up a web browser) on after all the LEDs are on and solid green.


    After this I went to the Vera UI and Settings | Backup and chose an relatively old backup (checked the Restore Z-wave network checkbox) and 20 minutes later my Vera was back to it old self again.
    Tried again to install DataMine2 and this time it seems to work without breaking Vera.

  • I had the same problem after updating to UI7 from UI5. Finally I was able to reset the box with this help with SSH (using putty on windows) :

    After reset I upgraded the firmware to latest one and then take the settings from saved backup.

    It kind of works now, but I am still struggling to get MySensors Plugin updated.

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