How to send message from one sensor to other or send message with different node and sensor ID?
Hello all,
I have pH sensor on node ID 1 and valve that controls pH on node ID 2. Now when the pH level falls below some value I want to open the valve. How can I send message from one node to other to open the valve
How can I send message to domoticz from node ID 1 to open the valve on node ID 2?
Thank You,
Got it after some trial and error with getters and setters.
In case someone needs. I did following.
MyMessage msg(); //Create a blank MyMessage instance. Do this before void setup()
then when you want to send the message. Create a message on the fly like following.
1. msg.setType(2); 2. msg.setSensor(1); 3. msg.setDestination(2); 4. send(msg.set(1));
This is what I am doing above:
- set message type ex. V_LIGHT is 2. Look at API for more
- Set sensor child ID of the sensor you want to change status of
- This is the destination node ID which has the sensor you are trying to reach
- Send the message just like you would usually.
Hope this helps someone