yes in general subghz radios have better range than 2.4ghz.
I might have farther nodes but for example, I have one rfm69cw at 55m from the GW and it's ok, with many obstacles on the path (7x rock walls, a part of the roof is metallic, metallic doors etc).
This depends on many factors of course
Hi @blackchart,
Unfortunately, all devices are sold out. Further production is possible only when ordering more than 10 devices (in this case, I also can modify the device to suit your needs).
Hey vivek101
how did you connect the NRF24L01 to your home assistant server? Normaly, you connect the nRF to an microcontroller and flash it with a gateway sketch. Then you connect the uC to your server...
Regards, Edi
@chbla said in Multiple uses battery RFM69 node:
Can anyone suggest a source for the parts? Are there any sources that you can upload the files by any chance?
If you mean can you upload a BOM to a company and then it generates a basket of the items, then i know that farnell and maybe digikey do this. But i only use this feature that is built into EAGLE pcb designer, so i'm not sure if they support it directly on their websites, might be worth a look.