Sure, there is already the KiCAD file including everything to play around with on your own; added a picture of the schematic here for a quick glance without downloading.
@scalz said in HALO : ESP32 multi transport GW/Bridge for Mysensors:
the webapp was great, but I converted it to native crossplatform app for better versatility&perf, so I can use one app for my devices, like Ethernet for HALO etc, or Serial for my other Janus gw dongle, bluetooth..
To be honest, I've not updated anything yet for a few reasons, like very little spare time for a public release + support for such "big" project. (easier to handle local projects).
Sorry, still no eta for the moment..
It is clear that there is not enough time. But this project can become popular. That's what's missing MySensors. ...This void must be filled.
High sensitivity: down to -148 dBm.
From the datasheet. There probably needs to be some margin, but my experience with Sigfox shows that -130 is quite reliable. After that, packets start go missing. I would guess LoRa is similar.
@yury said in Wall Socket Insertable Node:
Looks cool! Do you have experience with capacities switches? I did not play much with them. afraid to use close to AC interference though...
You need to use a capacitive IC with active shielding, basically you have an extra electrode around your touch electrode and the touch IC will compare capacitive change of the touch electrode with capacitive change from the shield electrode. If the change is due to electrical interference then both electrodes will be changed in a similar way and the IC will not trigger.
Hi @Siddharth-Velappan
The warmup time of the MH Z19b is 3 minutes. So 2 is probably fine, but you could probably do 3 just in case. Although 2 would save your more battery time.
Do you mind explaining your setup a bit more? I would love to do something similar but I do not know where to get started with the PIC microcontroller!