LEACH Protocol

  • Hi, this is my first post here... For many months I have developed my version of LEACH protocol and in simulation it looks great. Now I would like to test it using hardware... I am not a engineer, so hardware is not my strong side... I am asking if somebody can dircect me what would be the best thing to use to implement my solution... What should I buy - that will not be limited only for creating a Zigbee or a mesh network. I want to create a Hierarchical wireless sensor network based on LEACH.

    I would be very grateful.

  • Mod

    Have you thought about what kind of radio/frequency do you want to use? What speed and range? I don't know if this is the right forum for your problem because this is about an already developed protocol

  • Hi, thank you for your reply. On this stage radio/frequency, speed and range is not so important. First I just want to teach myself how to implement it on hardware - to see it working - then I would made a real working prototype with a knowledge that I acquire. Is this possible on your hardware to create a Hierarchical wireless sensor network or if not could you advise me something where I can find tech to do this?

    Best regards,

  • Mod

    Mysensors is hierarchical so the radio it uses could be used also for your project, but I can't help you more than this, I am not into programming down to the low level needed for this kind of protocol

  • Ok... I only have two question

    -Can you guide me where I can find the desription how you network works? (a more detail specification)
    -Can mysensors be change at low level or is this just like - you can gather information but the network will work in a specific way? Like Zigbee....

    Best regards,

  • Mod

    Mysensors library is on github so you can take a look at the code, there is also some documentation on the main site

  • Hero Member

    @SebastianB For what I know of LEACH its abstraction kind of replaces the MySensors layer. MySensors handles the network topology (routing, repeating, forwarding) . I guess you can learn a lot from how MySensors handles the different radio protocols (rfm24 etc.) but choose to build on the radio interface of rfm24/69

  • Contest Winner

    From my understanding, LEACH protocol would replace the MySensors protocol, so technically it would not be an additional feature.
    I do think it would work just fine on the same hw the MySensors protocol supports, but it would be a completely separate network which would not leverage any mysensors functionality. But perhaps some of the drivers could be used.
    It is not in the roadmap of MySensors to support multiple protocols. The MySensors protocol is the core of the whole MySensors library.

  • @AWI Some function of mySensors are very similar - like they are hierarhical. Tell me - is there is a phisical difference between nodes and reapeting nodes? Or is this only "software"?

  • Mod

    No hw differences just software

  • Hero Member

    @SebastianB Software only but like @Anticimex mentioned LEACH would replace the MySensors networking. However you could use the serial protocol or MQTT for message encoding

  • @Anticimex Yes that is correct. I just want to change drivers and sensors to be phisically the same - but implement rounds, gathering informations in different clusters, and add changing functions of nodes - in one round they are cluster head nodes in another a normal node....
    Yes I understand. I just want to make LEACH phisical - because most of research is about simulations, and many people are creating garbage articles about it...
    If I may ask you what harware would you propose?

  • @gohan Ok that make my work easier. Thanks for your reply.

  • Contest Winner

    @SebastianB you can see on the main site what hardware is supported by mysensors. I am not familiar with the LEACH protocol so I don't know if the has particular requirements on drivers and hardware. This site and forum is specific to mysensors so there is not much information on other technologies (for natural reasons).

  • Mod

    @SebastianB Keep in mind that a repeater node can not sleep or it will not receive messages and so it will use more power and if I understood correctly how LEACH works all nodes are "repeaters" on a rotation basis. I don't know if it will be a winning strategy. Also commercial products like zwave use a mesh network but only powered nodes act as "repeaters".

  • @gohan LEACH works like this -> the head nodes are choosen, normal nodes connect to them creating clusters. The normal nodes have special "time slots" (TDMA). Normal nodes transmit data in time that was set for them by head nodes. So for the time where nobody is transmiting - the antenas are turned off to save the energy. It is all mostly based on synchronization. After this step another group of heads nodes are choosen.... It may be - I also can check it and send you my observation. The "repeates" like you call them - they are choosen in every round - differend sensor - so the use of the energy is balanced. If the "repeater" die in one round in next round someone else will take his place.... My project is to create a wirelss sensor network that is created from cheap nodes - to observe enviroment... Implementation - could be by plane - so we will not know where they really are but only know the region - they will create a grid and try to gather efficiently information... If they die we just drop another group of sensors - for example to gather a information about fire in forests....

  • hey guys!! I need your help please, can anyone give me the C++ code of LEACH protocol? I need to known how the rounds are implemented .

    I would be greatful.

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