Nap machine / Scene controller

  • Hero Member


    It's been a while since a posted last. It's been really busy around here.

    I've been using a node with a button to start and stop nap time, and control some scene.

    My controller has been Vera for a long time, but now I think it's time for an upgrade.
    I installed openhab a few weeks back and started to play with it.

    Anyway, I thought it was time to make a new thing to control naps. That's how nap machine was born. But as I was building it, I thought it could do a lot more. Become a grown up scene controller.

    As you can see in the video, it has an oled display, a rotary encoder and a buzzer.
    It works with SPI displays, as well as I2C. It also has a radio to connect with MySensors gateway.
    The rotary encoder has a integrated button and 2 leds. The program can detect rotation, single click, double click and long click.

    Take a look at the video to see some options. Still in early stage, but it works and it's fully integrated with MySensors.
    I need now to integrate it with openhab, and in this regard I hope to find some help here.

    Feel free to comment or suggest new uses.
    In the following days I'll post the code as it is now, and some schematics for those interested.

    0_1504390432905_Captura de pantalla 2017-09-03 a las 0.13.12.png

  • I am curious how you create the graphics used on the OLED display.

  • Hero Member

    I just draw them in photoshop, save then as monochrome gif, and then use an online service to generate the arrays to use on the code.

    Something like this:

  • @ferpando Thanks, love the project by the way.

  • Hero Member

    Here's a simple schematic of the project

    0_1504521460415_Captura de pantalla 2017-09-04 a las 12.34.32.png

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