Hi !
About 10 months ago, I modified MyInclusionMode.cpp in MySensors v2.0 to be able to put a user-selected pin (by defining MY_INCLUSION_MODE_INDICATOR_PIN) to HIGH when the Inclusion button (as defiend by MY_INCLUSION_MODE_BUTTON_PIN) has been pressed and it will go to LOW when Inclusion mode times out.
It has been working fine for me since then so I'd like to see if it's possible to get this following small modifications included in the main trunk of MyInclusionMode.cpp ?In the end of inclusionInit() :
#if defined (MY_INCLUSION_MODE_INDICATOR_PIN) // Setup LED pin that indicates inclusion mode pinMode(MY_INCLUSION_MODE_INDICATOR_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(MY_INCLUSION_MODE_INDICATOR_PIN, LOW); #endif
...and in the end of inclusionModeSet() :
#if defined (MY_INCLUSION_MODE_INDICATOR_PIN) // Show inclusion mode with the LED: digitalWrite(MY_INCLUSION_MODE_INDICATOR_PIN,_inclusionMode); #endif```
@tias great idea.
The very best is if you follow the guide at
But if you are unfamiliar with git and pull requests, we can work together to find a way.
Hi !
I'd love to do it but I failed miserably using git in both Windows (unable to install bash) and Linux ( claims "Found git however, version 2.0 or greater is required..." but when I run git --version it happily shows 2.7.4) makes me going bananas (skogstokig !
) when I need to debug all tools needed. I've been developing software for almost 40 years, but (obviously) never used git...
Cheers !
Well, it looks like I finally solved my issues with the git verison.
I hope I made everything right since the Pull Request looked slightly different from what I expected of the examples steps at !
@tias looks like you got a lot of unrelated changes in the pull request. See
My guess is that you applied the changes to an old version of MySensors, instead of to the latest development version. Could that be the case? Maybe the contribution guidelines need to be refined, to not lure you into this situation.
@mfalkvidd Ugh, well that looks messy. I finally managed to follow the guideline step by step but since I have never used github for any project (I normally work in projects hosted in-house) I have obviously messed up in some of the step(s).
I assume you can make this right and I can continue applying my small patch in my own copy of MySensors, it's not too much work for me anyway
@tias yep I can fix it. Will post an update here when the pull request is ready.
@mfalkvidd Thanks and sorry for the mess I caused.
@tias no worries