Hi @edoardoo
I actually stumbled on your post a couple of weeks ago! Great writeup!
We certainly need contributors. We need help with everything from the visualisation of sensordata in the frontend (considering using d3.js) to mqtt/node.js backend for receiving and processing sensor data.
Please contact me or Johan for further discussions.
@OldSurferDude use a host name for the broker in the configure command (--my-controller-url-address=). Add the host name to /etc/hosts on the rpi where the gateway is. Start the MySensors gatway.
When you want to switch brokers, modify /etc/hosts again and restart the MySensors gateway.
great idea for that translation from homie to mysensors and back.
but I think it would be a better approach, if mysensors would have the ability to "speak" homie-convention in MQTT optionally (e.g. #MY_GATEWAY_MQTT_HOMIE)
that would eliminate the need of tweaking on an extra binding and let mysensors talk an IOT-standard
Hi @Prohi, can you provide more information about your heating system?
When searching about AirMax on the internet, I found this: https://www.airmaxhvac.com/ and this https://airmaxsc.com/ and this https://airmaxop.com/ and ...
Is your heating system an hvac based system?
With remote controls for each room?
Hi dzairo,
Just wondering if you still monitor this thread. If so would love to know how to install the ComPort component so I can modify and use your terminal code. For some reason I don't have any luck with adding it to the IDE.
thanks, Andy.