Measuring and Reporting Battery Level Sensor combine together with Relay Actuator or any other sensor in one device (Arduino Mini Pro)
I'm not good in programming, that's why,
I have question, is it possible to combine Measuring and Reporting Battery Level sensor
for example Relay Actuator (RelayWithButtonActuator.ino)
or any other sensor
in one device / Arduino Mini Pro?I find it very useful to build sensors& actuators with build-in Measuring and Reporting Battery Level & TO KNOW WHEN TO REPLACE/RECHARGE BATTERIES
Is SLEEP_TIME will be the first issue?
Thank you in advance!
Relay Actuator would not run for long on batteries. I would recommend always powering it from mains.
But it is always possible to send in battery level on any sensor/actualtor using the sendBatteryLevel-method (as shown in the example you linked).
In the BatteryPoweredSensor-example the sensor sleeps most of the time. The time MCU should power down is specified with SLEEP_TIME.
Does the Vera Plug in know anything about sensor battery level reporting if it comes in? What's the message identifier for battery level data? Does anything have to be done on the Vera end? And would the battery level information appear, as another child our one the Node data?
On Vera, battery level will be shown in the Node-device. Nothing have to be done on vera side. Battery level is transferred as an internal command (I_BATTERY).
@hek Thanks.