Kicad library for dc-dc step up booster
Does somebody have library for dc-dc step up booster please ?
not sure what you exactly are searching for, did you check here?
@barrydou - if you are buying a finished booster its in many cases just pinheader holes that should be aligned in correct way. The small ones has 3x1 pinheaders with 2,54mm spacing.
If you are designing and using components there are several libraries you need all depending on how you design the booster.
@bjacobse I've seen them, but as @sundberg84 asked me, it's already finished booster, the one linked in mysensors store.
I'm looking something like the one used on Easy/Newbie PCB.Can I use something like "Conn_01x03_MountingPin" ?
I'm starting kicad, I already have used easy/newbie pcb for my first sensors, but I need to design a board for an existing raingauge not working anymore (used by an old meteo station). I want to keep the mechanical part, and replace the electronical board.
Thank's for your help
@barrydou - no worries.
If you are using the small one from MyS store you can use the library you mentioned.
You can download the EasyPCB project for Kicad ( and maybe that will help you if you have the EasyPcb as inspiration.
@sundberg84 thank you again. I'll do like you say