I just get a Atmega 328P in DIL package. It was configured with external 16Mhz clock.
I set up it with internal 8mhz and minicore bootloader with Arduino IDE and Arduino as ISP
Here is the configuration I used
Burning the bootloader works well. I follow this guide for wiring, and I add a led on D13 with a 1k resistor to GND.
After burning the bootloader, the led was blinking as usual. I was happy
But, after that, I unplug the arduino as ISP, the clock source, and replug only power source. The led was not blinking anymore.
I replug the arduino as ISP (not the clock), and use AVRDUDESS to read fuse, and miracle the led restart to blink
Here is the fuses readed
I unplug everything again, and replug only power source ... no blink . And I don't know why, I try to send reset (GND to Reset Pin), and blink started.
I've tested it and retested it, the led don't start to blink until I send reset.
Any ideas of why I need to reset to start the arduino ? Is there any fuse or lock that configure it ? Something I miss ?
Thank you for your help