PlatformIO and Sensebender
Anyone using PlatformIO and the sensebender board and know what boad to select? I have tried all the various Arduino Zero boards and the SAMD based boards. Most compile without errors but so far upload will not work. Mostly just hangs or if it complete the upload the board does not work again without re-flashing via the Arduino IDE and Sensebender borad selected. Thanks for any help.
@andy5211d I have not used the sensebender myself, but have you tried installing ?
@mfalkvidd Thanks for that, I'd not found it in my searches. Will try and report back.
@andy5211d there is a link among all the other information at but it is easy to miss. Is there some place you think we should add a reference to make it easier to find?
Can I use this board to use the Sensebender micro with Platformio?
This is the 3.3V 8MHz version of the Arduino Pro Mini, which seems correct to me.
Tested this today: it works fine!
In the meanwhile,I also found this: platformio.ini file:
[platformio] src_dir = WindowOpenSensor [env:sensebender-micro] platform = atmelavr board = pro8MHzatmega328 framework = arduino monitor_speed = 19200 lib_deps = 548 ; MySensors