I'm running into problems and need some help. I'd like to hire someone.

  • I hired someone a couple of years ago who wrote some code for my home automation project. It was custom code C++. My requirements were pretty basic, have my beam sensor installed on the driveway to trigger an Arduino board/pro mini and send that via Lora 433 transmitter to a receiver (same board and Lora) connected to Domoticz on my pi4. I set Domoticz up to send an alert to my phone or browser. Initially it worked, but now it doesn't. The person I hired was more of a tinkerer than an expert.
    So, I would like to hire someone to redo this setup using the mysensors protocol and make some modifications to the program to do more things. Here are just a few additions:

    • Have multiple nodes with one way communication sending temp/humidity and maybe one trigger notification. Small board, simple programming
    • Node with two way communication so I can receive a notification a car pulled up to the gate, and the ability to open the gate using domoticz.

    I have more details I can add, but for now just reaching out to the community here to see if anyone could help with the programming, setting up the diagrams for the boards (I can solder and assemble most stuff) and hopefully be familiar with Domoticz.

    Thanks! and look forward to hearing from someone!

  • I don't know how well it would match just what you want, but there's a framework built with MySensors that is supposed to make this kind of thing pretty easy.

    Check out: https://www.mysensors.org/download/node-manager

    I haven't actually used it yet, but I plan to once I get some of that type of sensor up and running in the next little bit. (So I can't personally vouch for its quality or anything, but it seems like a reasonable way to get started, and for it to be on the site it has to meet some minimal level of working well, I expect.)

  • Thanks! I'll check it out.


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