Using unsupported sensors (LM35 for example)

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm very new to mysenors platform and I'm intending to use it in an upcoming project as I think it's very awesome, but I have some concerns, I need to use some sensors which are not listed in the supported ones, LM35 temp sensor for example, and unfortunately I can't get the supported sensors.

    So shall I use the custom value variables for this sensor or shall I use the temp library which is written for another sensor (DS18B20)? and if I use the custom variable will I have problems with controllers or not? and which controller is best in case of custom unsupported sensors?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Admin


    Why are you forced to use lm35? (which is an analog output temperature sensor)

    Ds18s20 is a digital temperature sensor, which supports multiple devices on the same port pin

  • I'm not focused, it's just where I live the only available sensor, and of course I'm not going to ship a single tiny sensor, I don't have enough time though as I'm having a tight deadline

  • Hero Member

    @Ahmad-Mustafa You can use any sensor you want as long as the sensor type is supported by MySensors and the controller you are using. You will need to modify one of the example sketches to accommodate the LM35. I'm thinking modifying the DHT temp/humidity one may be the easiest. You would have to include the appropriate library (assuming an LM35 library exists for Arduino) and eliminate the humidity related info from the sketch. There's no need to use custom value variables as you should be able to use the temp related ones.


  • Thank you so much and hope this will help.

  • Hero Member

    Have a look at this sketch
    playground it will provide temperature which can be sent in a similar was as in the DHT or other Example MySensors sketch.

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