Understanding serial gateway code
I want to use ESP8266+NRF24L01 combo to parse messages into serial output as per Serial API, but then I want to use the output internally (for posting to cloud MQTT server).
I can't find a part of the Serial gateway scetch responsible for serial printing or creating serial string.
Could you help me?
Why aren't you using the MQTTClientGateway in development branch?
Because it requires creating topics in predefined format, e.g. "user/node/child_id/... etc", and I want to use adafruit.io that only allows "user/feedname" format
Ok, then I suggest you create your own MyGatewayTransportMQTTClient.cpp transport which uses your custom topic layout.
not very helpful. I don't want anybody to re-write the code for me, I just want to understand what part of Serial Gateway code (not MQTT client code) is responsible for creating serial output.
If it's something secret, I'll use ESP+Arduino+NRF combo and read Arduino serial output with ESP, and then parse it
Did you look at the file I pointed out? It is the one responsible for the MQTT communication. This is the file you should modify.
I don't get why you'd need to bother with the serial output if you want to post MQTT data to adafruit.io?
I'm interested in what you learn here. I'm not much of developer (ok - I'm NOT a developer! haha!) but would like to do something similar and posted a thread about it a few months ago. I think I was in the wrong section as I never got a response.