Soft WDT reset on ESP8266

  • I've built my own WiFi Gateway using an ESP-07. The sketch loaded without error, but the program won't run. I put in my network and port data. all else is on default settings. All my sensors are currently reporting(successfully) to a SerialGateway. Both controllers are set up to report through an interface to my XTension HA program. The Serial Gateway works fine, the 8266 gateway connects to XTension, but then reboots, disconnects and reconnects about every 7 seconds or so. Can anyone point me towards probable corrections?

    I get the following output to the serial monitor:

    ESP8266 MySensors Gateway
    Connecting to Oberhaus

    Soft WDT reset

    ctx: cont
    sp: 3ffefe10 end: 3fff0030 offset: 01b0

    3ffeffc0: 00000000 00000001 3ffeee00 402034fc
    3ffeffd0: 00000000 402020cc 00000001 40205308
    3ffeffe0: 9501000a 00ffffff 0101000a 3ffef004
    3ffefff0: 3ffe84a9 3ffeeef4 3fff0080 4020251b
    3fff0000: 3ffe8860 9501000a 00000000 00000000
    3fff0010: 3fffdc20 00000000 3ffeeffc 402052d2
    3fff0020: 00000000 00000000 3ffef010 40100114

    ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)

    load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
    tail 0
    chksum 0x42
    csum 0x42

    Following is my pinouts and connections to the 8266.

    ESP8266 Module Esp-07 AP+STA WC


    Rest 10K to VCC/Switch to Ground
    CH_PD 10K to VCC
    GPIO14 SCK
    VCC 3.3V
    GPIO4 CE
    GPIO0 10K to VCC/Switch to Ground
    GPIO2 10K to VCC
    GPIO15 CSN
    Ground Ground

  • Admin

    1.5 or dev branch?

    Tried adding a capacitor VCC/GND?

  • Mod

    @robertober said:


    The + version I hope....
    Which ESP8266 Arduino core?

  • how do you power the ESP8266?

    It is not enough to power it from Arduino or FTDI, you need something else. Try using something like AMS1177.

  • @hek 100 microfareds already there.
    !.5 or dev branch -- please explain.
    I think the answer is 1.5.

  • @robertober said:

    @hek 100 microfareds already there.
    !.5 or dev branch -- please explain.
    I think the answer is 1.5.

    i think @hek means version o library

  • @Yveaux Yes, radio is the + model.
    I bought the model listed in the mySensor store, which is a ESP8266 Remote Serial Port WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module Esp-07 AP+STA WC

  • Mod

    @Yveaux said:

    Which ESP8266 Arduino core?

    ESP8266 is very sensitive to power. How are you powering it?

  • @flopp My power supply is providing 35mA at 3.25 volts to the controller.

  • @robertober said:

    @flopp My power supply is providing 35mA at 3.25 volts to the controller.


    ESP8266 need at least 300mA

    What do you mean that it is powering the controller, do you mean ESP8266 or e.g. Domoticz?

  • @robertober I think that my issue is one of two things, one of the pins not properly connected, or a problem in the software. I started out using the sketch that is in the mySensor library, but found that the file ESP8266wifi.h was missing. I downloaded a file named and installed it into my library. I also noticed that the instructions built into the ESP8244Gateway Skecth gives two different connections for GPIO15. Is the pulldown resistor needed to run or only for uploading?

    My controller (XTension running on a Mac Mini) seems to be receiving a different port request each time the 8266 resets. Anyone know why?
    The log in Tension shows the following:
    1/5/16 1:57:39 PM mySensor WiFi: IP Open to failed.
    1/5/16 1:57:41 PM Interface mySensor WiFi has been unexpectedly disconnected from XTension.
    1/5/16 1:57:41 PM Interface "mySensor WiFi" has quit: (with no message) code: 0
    1/5/16 1:57:46 PM Retry connection to interface "mySensor WiFi". Tries left: 9
    1/5/16 1:57:46 PM Helper Command: (/XTension/ IP 52301 340 57580)
    1/5/16 1:57:46 PM Starting Interface "mySensor WiFi"

    1/5/16 1:57:56 PM mySensor WiFi: IP Open to failed.
    1/5/16 1:57:58 PM Received Temperature for TEMPERATURE ATTIC of 38.7F (RFX)
    1/5/16 1:57:59 PM Interface mySensor WiFi has been unexpectedly disconnected from XTension.
    1/5/16 1:57:59 PM Interface "mySensor WiFi" has quit: (with no message) code: 0
    1/5/16 1:58:04 PM Retry connection to interface "mySensor WiFi". Tries left: 9
    1/5/16 1:58:04 PM Helper Command: (/XTension/ IP 52301 341 57580)
    1/5/16 1:58:04 PM Starting Interface "mySensor WiFi"

  • Mod

    @Yveaux said:

    Which ESP8266 Arduino core?

    Ok, 3rd time I'm asking... This is the last time 😉

    Follow the installation instructions to the letter, or know what you're doing.
    If the instructions are incorrect, search the forum.
    If nothing found, describe your exact situation in a forum post so we can help you and improve the instructions for everyone.

    Don't download random files and expect things to work correctly.

    Beef up the power supply (500mA minimum!), then try with different nRF24L01+ modules.

  • @Yveaux How does one determine the Arduino core?

  • Mod

    @robertober said:

    How does one determine the Arduino core?

    In the Arduino IDE, go to the boards manager (Tools -> Board -> Board manager) and note the ESP8266 version:


  • @Yveaux Ahh, I have version 2.0.0 installed.

  • @flopp The power is to the Gateway, not controller.

  • Mod

    Ok, I took some time to update my ESP setup, as all you guys keep reporting issues over and over again.

    • Software: MySensors 1.5.1, Arduino 1.6.7 IDE and ESP8266 Arduino Core 2.0.0. Standard ESP8266 Gateway sketch.
    • Hardware: NodeMCU with ESP12e, nRF24L01+ connected using 20cm dupont wires, using the connection from the build instructions. No additional caps mounted. Powered from PC USB port.
    • Controller: MYSController
    • Tested with 1 slave sending a message every second

    Compiles like a charm.
    Runs rock-solid. No (WDT) reboots whatsoever.
    Sending messages from controller to sensor also works.

  • Mod

    @robertober said:

    file ESP8266wifi.h was missing

    I get that error message when I select the wrong target board. E.g. when selected Arduino UNO as target board, and compiling ESP8266 gateway sketch:

    ...\Esp8266Gateway.ino:77:25: fatal error: ESP8266WiFi.h: No such file or directory
     #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
    compilation terminated.

  • @robertober This is probably due to a long time (> 1s) spent in setup() due to which the watchdog timer is resetting the chip. Check this page for more info:


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