sending string via nrf and the other receivers making trouble - why?
ich have configured an arduino nano via nrf24L01+ and a LED-Stripe. My Idea is to send a LEDNumber and a HEX-Code for the color to set the LED to Color xy...I use FHEM and a own Perl-Method to convert the HEX Code to an Splittable string. This i send via Network-GW to my arduino as String.
At this moment where the code is sending other receivers like Temp-Sensors sending 12502°C as Temperatur...I dont find the problem.
Can somebody help?The sendet code via FHEM is:
set <NAME> status7 0-0-255#include <MySensor.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <EEPROM.h> #include <MyTransportNRF24.h> #include <MyHwATMega328.h> #include <RemoteReceiver.h> #include <RemoteTransmitter.h> #include <InterruptChain.h> #include "FastLED.h" #define DATA_PIN 3 #define CLOCK_PIN 13 #define NUM_LEDS 19 CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; #define NUMBER_OF_OUTLETS 99 #define SN "LEDRahmenEG" #define SV "1.6" const byte SC_CHILD_ID = 0 ; //unsigned long receivedCode = 0 ; MySensor gw; MyMessage scene_on(SC_CHILD_ID, V_LEVEL); MyMessage scene_off(SC_CHILD_ID, V_LEVEL); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); gw.begin(incomingMessage); gw.sendSketchInfo(SN, SV); FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN>(leds, NUM_LEDS); //TEST //leds[9].g=1; //leds[9].b=255; //leds[10].r=255; //leds[11].b=255; //; // Create a child device for each outlet for (int sensor = 1; sensor <= NUMBER_OF_OUTLETS; sensor++) { gw.present(sensor, S_LIGHT); delay(2); } } void loop() { gw.process(); } String getValue(String data, char separator, int index) { int found = 0; int strIndex[] = {0, -1}; int maxIndex = data.length() - 1; for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex && found <= index; i++) { if (data.charAt(i) == separator || i == maxIndex) { found++; strIndex[0] = strIndex[1] + 1; strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i + 1 : i; } } return found > index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : ""; } //command has been received from gateway void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) { Serial.println(message.sensor); Serial.println("......."); Serial.println(message.getInt()); if (message.type == V_LIGHT) { Serial.print("LED ID #: "); Serial.println(message.sensor); Serial.print("Color: "); Serial.println(message.getString()); //receive String like 125-255-111 call getValue and split //.toInt() convert the String Number to int and would be assigned to the LED leds[message.sensor].r = getValue(message.getString(), '-', 0).toInt(); leds[message.sensor].g = getValue(message.getString(), '-', 1).toInt(); leds[message.sensor].b = getValue(message.getString(), '-', 2).toInt();; if (message.sensor == 99) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; ++i) { leds[i].r = getValue(message.getString(), '-', 0).toInt(); leds[i].g = getValue(message.getString(), '-', 1).toInt(); leds[i].b = getValue(message.getString(), '-', 2).toInt();; } } } delay(50); }
The Serial-Monitor shows
- message.sensor = 7
- message.getString() = 0-0-255enEG
Why is there "enEG" at the end?
Make sure to run the latest version in master branch.
what did you mean with that?
what is a master branch?
1.5.4 is the latest version on the master branch (on github).
my Mysensors version is 1.5.3 i will update it.
Do i have to update my Gateway too?In the link they talk about issues with the Getters in version 1.5.4. is this what you think that could be the problem?!
@choffmann I would be very happy if you didn't mind to also share some of your FHEM code....?
i hope that i can update my arduino tomorrow, so that i can test if this will work....
The FHEM code you want:
The Devices:
define LEDRahmen MYSENSORS_DEVICE 102 ... autmatic including des Reading/Devices
define LEDRahmenSwitch dummy -- for setting LED and Color manually
define LEDRahmenSwitchNotify notify LEDRahmenSwitch.* { sendLEDColor($EVTPART0, $EVTPART1) }and the Mehtods:
(NEW: i have changed the Method from send String like 0-255-0 to 000-255-000 - see Method "changeLengthTo" )sub sendLEDColor($$){ my ($stat,$val) = @_; my $tmp; $tmp .= changeLengthTo(hexstr_to_signed32int(substr($val,0,2)),3); $tmp .= "-"; $tmp .= changeLengthTo(hexstr_to_signed32int(substr($val,2,2)),3); $tmp .= "-"; $tmp .= changeLengthTo(hexstr_to_signed32int(substr($val,4,6)),3); #my $m = hexstr_to_signed32int($tmp); #Log 1, "MeinE Testmethode"; #Log 1, $; fhem("set LEDRahmen status".$stat." ".$tmp.""); } sub changeLengthTo($$){ my($str,$toLength) = @_; my $tmpstr; for(my $i = (length($str)+1); $i <= $toLength; $i++){ $tmpstr.= "0"; } return $tmpstr.$str; } sub hexstr_to_signed32int($) { my ($hexstr) = @_; die "Invalid hex string: $hexstr" if $hexstr !~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,8}$/; my $num = hex($hexstr); return $num >> 31 ? $num - 2 ** 32 : $num; }
@choffmann Thanks a lot! Please let us know you if the update solved your issue.